We define an image fragment as a set of pixels that share similar low-level color features in some color space, such as RGB, HSV, or CIElab. This makes an image fragment computationally equivalent to an image superpixel, an atomic region of an image containing pixels that are similar in some feature space, usually intensity or color (Veksler, Boykov, & Mehrani,
2010). Superpixels have become very popular as a preprocessing stage in many bottom-up image segmentation methods (Wang, Jia, Hua, Zhang, & Quan,
2008; Yang, Wright, Ma, & Sastry,
2008; Kappes, Speth, Andres, Reinelt, & Schn,
2011; Yu, Au, Tang, & Xu,
2011) and object detection methods (Endres & Hoiem,
2010; van de Sande, Uijlings, Gevers, & Smeulders,
2011) because they preserve the boundaries between groups of similar pixels. Boundary preservation is a desirable property as it enables object detection methods to be applied to oversegmented images (i.e., many fragments) rather than individual pixels, without fear of losing important edge information. The first and still very popular superpixel segmentation algorithm is normalized cut (Shi & Malik,
2000). This method takes an image and a single parameter value, the number of desired superpixels (
k), and produces a segmentation by analyzing the eigenspace of the image's intensity values. However, because the run time of this method increases exponentially with image resolution, it is not suitable for the large images (e.g., 800 × 600) used in most behavioral experiments, including ours. We therefore experimented with two more recent and computationally efficient methods for superpixel segmentation, the SLIC superpixel (Achanta et al.,
2012) and the entropy rate superpixel (Liu, Tuzel, Ramalingam, & Chellappa,