fL and fR | The left and the right RFs of a simple energy neuron |
I | The image patch that falls on the RFs of the simple neurons |
Gauss | The Gaussian function of the simple neuron RF |
Sin | The sinusoid of the simple neuron RF |
φL and φR | The left and the right phase shifts of the simple neuron RFs |
σx and σy | The horizontal and vertical widths of GaussL/R |
θ | The preferred orientation of the simple neuron RF |
ω0 | The peak preferred spatial frequency of the simple neuron RF |
C0 | Classical complex energy neuron |
C | Complex energy neuron with a normalized response |
Cx,y,d | Response of a population of C neurons with RFs at x,y and tuned to disparity d pooled over scales and orientations |
(−dm, dm) | The range of disparities to which the complex energy neurons C are tuned |
| The response Cx,y,d for all disparities (−dm, dm), referred to throughout as the disparity profile |
MGx,y | Neurons computing the match goodness metric for occlusion detection |
M* | A neuron computing the maximal response of the whole population of disparity detectors |
| Rectification with respect to the threshold θn or 0, respectively |
and | The response of a population of complex neurons with all the left eye/right eye RFs fixed at location x,y |
n(x) | A normalization function |
Rx,y,d | Neurons computing the difference between disparity profiles and |
LRCx,y | Neurons computing the left-right match correspondence |
OCCx,y | Monocular occlusion detectors combining the outputs of LRCx,y and MGx,y |
ESx,y,w,s | End-stopped neurons, receiving input from OCCx,y neurons with an excitatory center of width w, which is shifted by s with respect to location x,y |
Wx,y,w | Neurons computing the likelihood that x,y is located within a monocularly occluded region of size w |
| The response of a population of Wx,y,w neurons tuned to different widths, referred to as the occlusion width profile |
γn | The weight of inhibitory interneural connections |
| The disparity profile at location x,y with the response to disparity d zeroed |
REx,y,d | Neurons computing the difference between the maximum response in and the maximum response in |
| The response of a population of REx,y,d neurons with different disparities zeroed |
RELx,y | Neurons computing the reliability of disparity estimates at location x,y |
OMGx,y | Neurons computing the overall match goodness |
DEx,y | Disparity edge detectors |
LEx,y | Luminance edge detectors |
EDx,y | Combined edge detectors |
OBJx,y,x′,y′ | Neurons signaling whether x,y and x′,y′ belong to the same object |
BINx,y,d | Neurons computing final disparities for binocular locations |
MONx,y,d | Neurons computing final disparities for monocularly occluded locations |
3Dx,y,d | Neurons computing final disparities by combining BINx,y,d and MONx,y,d responses |
BSx,y,d | Neurons aggregating support from binocular regions around monocularly occluded locations |
MSx,y,d | Neurons aggregating support from monocular regions around monocularly occluded locations |
NL, NA, NB, NR | Regions to the left, above, below, and to the right of a monocularly occluded region from where support is aggregated |
H × W | The height and the width of the support regions NL, NA, NB, NR |
3DΣNX,d | Summed and weighted response to disparity d in the support region NX |
Gaussx,y,σ | A 2-D Gaussian function centered on x,y with a standard deviation σ |
PROPx+s,y,d | Neurons propagating disparity signals from monocularly occluded locations x,y to binocular locations x + s, y |