To study the causal influence of recent experimental history on the perceptual decisions of observers, we need a statistical model that can capture the influence of both the stimulus and previous trials on the observed response. The psychometric function is a commonly used model for psychophysical data, which usually relates the probability of a correct response to the presented stimulus intensity (Treutwein & Strasburger,
1999; Wichmann & Hill,
2001; Kuss, Jäkel, & Wichmann,
2005). To model the effect of previous trials on the response, we modify this common formulation: We relate the probability of a particular behavioral response
rt to the presented stimulus intensity
s˜t. We used “signed” stimulus intensities
s˜t :=
stzt here, which consist of the product of the absolute intensity of the stimulus
st and an identity factor
zt, which codes when or where the target was presented. For example, in the 2AFC task (Jäkel & Wichmann,
2006) considered below, we use the stimulus identity
zt = 1 to indicate that the second of two presented stimuli contained a luminance increment (“target”) and set
rt = 1 if the observer also chose the second interval (
zt = −1 or
rt = −1 otherwise, see below and
Appendix A2 for details). Choice models in psychophysics usually have a bias term
δ, which captures a stimulus-independent tendency of observers to choose a particular response. To model sequential dependencies, we simply assume that
δ is not constant but may shift dependent on experimental history (Treisman & Williams,
1984). This is in accordance with a large number of experimental findings (Hock, Kelso, & Schöner,
1993; Lages & Treisman,
2010; Lages &Treisman,
2010) and previous modeling attempts (Green et al.,
1977; Ward,
1979; Green et al.,
1980; Lockhead & King,
1983; Corrado et al.,
2005; Busse et al.,
2011; Bode et al.,
2012; Goldfarb, Wong-Lin, Schwemmer, Leonard, & Holmes,
2012; Raviv et al.,
2012). Concretely, we assume that the bias term
δ can be written as a linear combination of “history features,” i.e., summary statistics of the events on preceding trials (Corrado et al.,
2005; Busse et al.,