Figure 2A shows a visual depiction of change-of-mind (red lines) and non-change-of-mind (green lines) responses with mean movement trajectories averaged across all participants plotted separately for the close target (i.e., the upper target, closer to the vertical meridian) and the far target (i.e., the lower target, farther from the vertical meridian). Mean trajectories for high-coherence trials are plotted in black for reference. Movement trajectories in trials in which the participant reached to the left-side target are flipped over the vertical meridian such that all movement trajectories are viewed as going toward the right-side target. We note here that the response boxes were equidistant from the starting position in both the close and far response box conditions; it is the distance between the response boxes themselves, not the distance from the participant's starting position, which varies between these conditions.
We expected very few changes of mind in the high-coherence condition because the decision should be very easy, reflected in high overall accuracy rates (99.8% accurate;
Figure 2, black lines). We found few overall changes of mind in the high-coherence condition (<1%) and no difference between the close and far response box conditions in change-of-mind frequency,
t(13) = 1.19,
p > 0.1. This confirms that our criteria for defining changes-of-mind criteria were reasonable.
For low-coherence, non-change-of-mind trials, movement trajectories appear to travel a roughly similar distance in the close and far response box conditions (
Figure 2A, green lines). As the response box distances from the starting position are equal, this is consistent with expectations. It is also consistent with expectations that movement trajectories on change-of-mind trials are initially directed toward the opposite response before being redirected toward the final response. However, importantly, change-of-mind movements appear to involve a steeper redirection after the initial movement, exhibiting greater peak deviation, in the far response box condition. Additionally, it appears that the hand has to travel a greater distance when a change-of-mind occurs in the far response box condition than when one occurs in the close response box condition. Because participants have to travel a greater distance in change-of-mind trials in the far response box condition, it likely also takes them a longer period of time to reach the target in trials in which they change their mind. Thus, it appears that changes of mind incur greater costs in terms of time and physical energy when the distance between competing responses is greater.
To confirm this observation, we conducted 2 × 2 ANOVAs with factors of response type (change of mind vs. non-change of mind) and response box distance (close vs. far) on movement time, distance traveled (see Methods), peak deviation, and response accuracy. First, we focus on movement time. Not surprisingly, movement time was longer in trials in which the participant changed his or her mind (587 ms) relative to trials in which no change occurred (469 ms), F(1, 12) = 7.86 p < 0.05. Thus, the hand took longer to reach the target following movement initiation in trials in which the observer initially directed a movement toward one response but ultimately redirected to the opposite response. However, this cost varied depending upon the response box distance as revealed by a significant interaction, F(1, 12) = 5.72, p < 0.05. Specifically, in change-of-mind trials, movement times were longer for the far response box condition (605 ms) relative to the close response box condition (569 ms), F(1, 12) = 12.46, p < 0.01. However, there was no difference in movement time between the two response box conditions in trials in which there was no change of mind, F(1, 12) < 1. These results indicate that changes of mind incurred greater costs in the time taken to complete a movement when the response boxes were placed far apart relative to when they were placed close together.
The same pattern of results was obtained for measurements of the distance traveled by the hand in each trial. As we expected, the hand traveled a greater distance in change-of-mind trials (33.6 cm) relative to trials in which no change of mind occurred (25.3 cm),
F(1, 12) = 208.8,
p < 0.001. In accord with our prediction, we observed that this difference varied depending on the distance between response boxes,
F(1, 12) = 97.82,
p < 0.001. Specifically, we observed that when a change of mind did not occur, the distance traveled was equivalent regardless of the response box distance,
F(1, 12) = 1.4,
p > 0.1 (close: 25 cm, far: 25.7 cm). This was expected because the distance from the starting position to each box was equivalent regardless of whether the response boxes were close together or far apart. However, in change-of-mind trials, the distance traveled was much greater when the boxes were far apart (36.7 cm) than when they were close together (30.5 cm),
F(1, 12) = 121.85,
p < 0.001. This confirms the observations made in
Figure 2A; for change-of-mind trials (red lines), the distance traveled by the hand is greater when the response boxes were far apart relative to when they were close together. Thus, as with movement time, motor costs measured by the distance traveled during change-of-mind responses were much greater when the response boxes were far apart. In this case, these are presumed to be physical energy costs as the hand had to travel a longer distance when the response boxes were far apart.
Peak deviation, too, exhibited similar outcomes. The peak deviation measure used in the present study reflects the maximum point of deviation relative to baseline for each reach trajectory, thus giving a sense of how far the participant moved his or her hand toward the opposite response option before correcting the movement midstream (see Methods for more details). Peak deviation was greater in change-of-mind trials (9.03 cm) than in non-change-of-mind trials (1.83 cm), F(1, 12) = 156.16, p < 0.001. This reflects greater pull toward the competing response option in change-of-mind trials as expected given the way in which changes of mind are operationally defined in the present study. However, as with other measures, the effect of changes of mind on peak deviation was affected by response box distance, F(1, 12) = 57.41, p < 0.001. In change-of-mind trials, peak deviation was greater when the response boxes were far apart (11.34 cm) relative to when they were closer together (6.72 cm), F(1, 12) = 146.7, p < 0.001. This indicates that the pull toward the competing response was greater when the two response boxes were farther apart in space, indicating that a steeper redirection of movement is required in change-of-mind responses in the far response box condition. There was no difference in peak deviation between close and far response box conditions when no change of mind occurred, F(1, 12) = 1.21, p > 0.1. Response accuracy was largely unaffected by whether the observer changed his or her mind about a decision and by the distance between response options (ps > 0.1).
These analyses establish that change-of-mind motor costs are greater in the far response box condition relative to the close response box condition. For the critical analysis (
Figure 2B), we examined change-of-mind frequency according to response box distance. If perceptual decision-making processes are adjusted to account for the costs associated with change-of-mind trials, we expect changes of mind to occur less often when the response boxes are far apart, and thus, the motor costs of a change of mind are high. Indeed, we did find that changes of mind occurred less often when the response boxes were far apart (3.6%) than when they were close together (8.3%),
t(13) = 3.09,
p < 0.01. In other words, when expected motor costs of a change of mind were high because the response options were far apart, observers changed their mind less often. This outcome supports the notion that perceptual decision processes do account for expected change-of-mind motor costs. Change-of-mind frequencies for individual participants are shown in
Figure 2D; 13 of 14 participants changed their mind less frequently when the response boxes were further apart. Additionally, the magnitude of initiation latency was longer when the boxes were far apart (739 ms) than when they were close together (724 ms;
Figure 2C), but this effect did not approach significance,
t(13) < 1. We discuss this analysis in more detail in the results of
Experiment 2.
We applied relatively conservative criteria to define change-of-mind trials to ensure that the seemingly counterintuitive integration of motor costs into perceptual decision making is a robust phenomenon. These appeared to be appropriate criteria for defining changes of mind in a visually guided reaching task as we showed that changes of mind were very infrequent in the high-coherence condition in which decisions should have been trivially easy for participants. Researchers in recent years have used a multitude of ways to define a change-of-mind response (e.g., Albantakis & Deco,
2011; Moher & Song,
2013; Resulaj et al.,
2009; Song & Nakayama,
2008), and eye movements, too, display patterns consistent with competing activation of multiple responses in parallel reflecting a change of mind after an initial decision (e.g., Arai, McPeek, & Keller,
2003; McPeek, Han, & Keller,
2003). The present method is advantageous in that change-of-mind boundaries are set separately for each individual participant, mitigating for interparticipant differences in their default motor movements (e.g., Albantakis, Branzi, Costa, & Deco,
Together, the results of
Experiment 1 support our hypothesis that perceptual decision-making processes account for the expected motor costs that a change of mind will incur. When change-of-mind motor costs are high because two competing response options are far apart in space, changes of mind occur less often in a perceptual decision-making task. When the costs are less severe because the response options are closer together, changes of mind are more frequent.