Despite more than three decades of investigation, the existence of a dedicated color motion system distinct from both the luminance and feature tracking motion systems remains debated. Many consider it as well established (e.g., for reviews see Burr & Thompson,
2011; Cropper & Derrington,
1996; Cropper & Wuerger,
2005; Dobkins & Albright,
1994; Dougherty, Press, & Wandell,
1999; Gegenfurtner & Hawken,
1996; Hawken, Gegenfurtner, & Tang,
1994; McKeefry, Laviers, & McGraw,
2006; Nishida,
2011; Thiele, Dobkins, & Albright,
2001), but some argue against its existence (e.g., Lu, Lesmes, & Sperling,
1999; Mullen, Yoshizawa, & Baker Jr,
2003). It is clear that under some conditions (e.g., high temporal frequencies) color motion cannot be processed by the feature tracking motion system and therefore must be processed by a low-level, energy-based motion system. This motion system could be a dedicated color motion system or the luminance motion system processing luminance artifacts due to some nonlinearity within the luminance pathway. Many nonlinearities (e.g., interunit variability in equiluminance, temporal phase-lag between the processing of L and M cones, optical chromatic aberrations, and second harmonic) have been considered and were often found to be too weak to explain the color contribution to motion, which suggests the existence of a dedicated color motion system. However, the present study reveals the existence of some nonlinearity that, to our knowledge, have not been considered before and that enables the luminance motion system to process some color-defined motion.