Five different Mondrians were constructed from calibrated Color-Aid (CA; Color-aid Corp, Hudson Falls, NY) papers that span a scale of 1 to 10 in steps of 0.5 (which are intended to be approximately equal perceptual intervals). Each Mondrian contained five consecutive gray scale values of CA papers, four of which served as the surround, with the lightest appearing only once in the center of the figure. The spatial configuration of the Mondrians was always the same, and is shown in
Figure 1. Regions with the same shade in the figure represent regions in the Mondrians that were made from the same CA paper. The spatial arrangement of the patches was identical in each stimulus. The stimuli were designed such that the central target patch was bordered by each of the papers used in the background by an equal length.
The five stimuli were created using CA papers ranging between CA 1 (3.1% reflectance; black) and CA 5 (27.2% reflectance; middle gray, a Munsell value of ∼5.75). The percentage reflectances were calculated by calibrating CA papers with the Munsell neutral (gray) scale. The experimenter and two additional judges compared the CA paper with Munsell paper to obtain the best possible approximation of the Munsell value and corresponding reflectance values.
Mondrian A (the lightest Mondrian) was constructed with CA papers CA 5 (27.2% reflectance), CA 4.5 (24.6%), CA 4 (22.1%), CA 3.5 (13.7%), and CA 3 (12%). Under the high illumination used in the experiment, these papers generated luminance values of 14, 12.4, 10.8, 7.5, and 6.4 cd/m2, respectively. Mondrian B was constructed with CA papers CA 4.5, CA 4, CA 3.5, CA 3, and CA 2.5. The luminance of these papers under high illumination was 12.4, 10.8, 7.5, 6.4, and 5.0 cd/m2, respectively. Mondrians C (CA 4, CA 3.5, CA 3, CA 2.5, and CA 2), D (CA 3.5, CA 3, CA 2.5, CA 2, and CA 1.5), and E (CA 3, CA 2.5, CA 2, CA 1.5, and CA 1) were all constructed in the same way (reflectances of remaining CA chips CA 2, CA 1.5, and CA 1 were 7.7%, 4.6%, and 3.1%, respectively). The range of reflectance ratios was 2.27:1, 2.37:1, 2.87:1, 2.98:1, and 3.87:1 for Mondrians A through E, respectively.
Each stimulus had the same design of 30 overlapping rectilinear shapes ranging in size from 7.62 × 7.62 cm to 15.24 × 12.7 cm. The center of each stimulus was a 10.16 × 10.16 cm square varying between CA 3 (12%) and CA 5 (27.2%) and was always the highest luminance in the stimulus. The top right corner was a 7.62 × 12.7 cm rectilinear shape and always had the lowest luminance in the stimulus, varying between CA 1 (3.1%) and CA 3 (12%).