To examine the distribution of IESs as a function of response time, the trials of each participant (collapsed across trial type) were ranked from the fastest to the slowest, irrespective of accuracy (i.e., both correct and incorrect trials), within each color condition before being grouped into four bins containing the fastest 25% of the responses (i.e., quartile bin 1), the next 25% of responses (i.e., quartile bin 2), and so on. Within each bin, average correct response time as well as the proportion correct for each condition for each participant was calculated. IES for each participant was computed by dividing the average correct response time by the proportion correct. For example, the IES for the congruent condition in the 25% fastest trials was based on the correct response time and proportion correct associated with the congruent condition in the 25% fastest trials. Thus, this approach allowed us to independently analyze the impact of color on performance in trials in which response time was fast (e.g., 25% fastest trials) and slow (e.g., 25% slowest trials). This procedure was done separately for the experts and the novices.
The data were first analyzed in a mixed-design ANOVA using color (congruent, gray scale, incongruent) and bin (1, 2, 3, 4) as within-subjects factors and group (novices, experts) as a between-subjects factor. The main effects of bin, F(3, 84) = 71.08, p < 0.001, partial eta2 = 0.72; color, F(2, 56) = 15.32, p < 0.001, partial eta2 = 0.34; and group, F(1, 28) = 13.74, p = 0.001, partial eta2 = 0.33, were significant. The two-way interactions between bin and color, F(6, 168) = 3.34, p = 0.004, partial eta2 = 0.11, and between bin and group, F(3, 28) = 20.57, p < 0.001, partial eta2 = 0.42, were significant. Crucially, the three-way interaction between bin, color, and group was significant, F(6, 28) = 2.92, p = 0.01, partial eta2 = 0.1.
Next, the groups were independently analyzed in a repeated-measures ANOVA using color (congruent, gray scale, incongruent) and bin (1, 2, 3, 4) as within-subjects factors. For the novices, the main effects of color, F(2, 28) = 8.80, p = 0.001, partial eta2 = 0.39, and bin, F(3, 42) = 44.55, p < 0.001, partial eta2 = 0.76, were significant. The two-way interaction between color and bin, F(6, 84) = 3.20, p = 0.007, partial eta2 = 0.19, was significant. In bin 3, congruently colored images (M = 1207 ms, SE = 67 ms) were recognized better than gray scale images (M = 1320 ms, SE = 82 ms, p = 0.03) and incongruently colored images (M = 1416 ms, SE = 120 ms, p = 0.007). In bin 4, although the comparison between congruently colored images (M = 2110 ms, SE = 194 ms) and gray scale images (M = 2606 ms, SE = 323 ms) were significant (p = 0.028), the comparison between congruently colored images and incongruently colored images (M = 2372 ms, SE = 284 ms) were not significant (p = 0.082).
For the bird experts, the main effects of color,
F(2, 28) = 19.10,
p < 0.001, partial eta
2 = 0.58, and bin,
F(3, 42) = 66.17,
p < 0.001, partial eta
2 = 0.83, were significant. The experts were better at categorizing the birds shown in congruent color (
M = 822 ms,
SE = 77 ms) relative to birds shown in gray scale (
M = 889 ms,
SE = 84 ms,
p < 0.001) and incongruent color (
M = 866 ms,
SE = 79 ms,
p = 0.001) (
Figure 2). The interaction between color and bin was not significant,
F(6, 84) = 0.54,
p = 0.777, suggesting that color affected categorization performance in all bins (i.e., fast and slow trials). This finding contrasts with the novices, for whom color affected performance predominantly for slow trials (
Figure 3).
To summarize, the main finding of
Experiment 1 was that both bird experts and bird novices benefitted from congruently colored birds but not incongruently colored birds. These results implicate the use of color for purposes of high-level object recognition but not for low-level feature segmentation. Although both novices and experts benefitted from congruently colored birds, its presence affected the performance in different ways. Based on the IES distribution analysis, the novices applied their knowledge of color primarily in slower trials as evidenced by the advantage for congruent color relative to gray scale (i.e., bins 3 and 4) and incongruent conditions (i.e., bin 3). In contrast, experts demonstrated an advantage for congruent color in the fastest quartile of trials, and the color advantage was maintained in the second, third, and fourth quartiles. Thus, whereas the experts apply their color knowledge quickly and automatically as evidenced in the first quartile of responses, novices apply color knowledge more slowly and deliberately as shown in the later quartiles.