These experiments have observers foraging in a realm of uniform, infinite resources. This leaves other large areas unexplored. For example, suppose that there are multiple target types in the same patch (Wolfe,
2012b). Birds, specifically blue jays, searching for digital moths, tend to search for one type until it becomes rare and then switch to another type (Bond & Kamil,
2002). Would human observers behave in a similar manner? There is some cost to switching from one target template to another (Maljkovic & Nakayama,
1994; Rangelov, Muller, & Zehetleitner,
2011; Wolfe, Horowitz , Kenner, Hyle, & Vasan,
2004). This can be thought of as an internal travel time that will vary with the difficulty of searching memory (Mayr & Kliegl,
2000). Leaving the search for one item to begin the search for another is a form of patch-leaving behavior (Hills et al.,
2012). It will be interesting to see how this interacts with the external visual search. Suppose, for example, that the set of possible targets includes raspberries and apples (red ones, perhaps). If you are searching for raspberries at the moment and your eyes happen to light upon an apple, there are several possible consequences. You might miss the apple entirely (inattentional blindness of a sort; Mack, Tang, Tuma, & Kahn,
1992) because your search template is narrowly fixed on raspberries. You might “pick” the apple and continue searching for raspberries, or the apple might provoke an automatic task switch to search for apples (Beck, Hollingworth, & Luck,
2012). Depending on the relative costs for switching templates, selecting items, and moving between patches, it could be optimal to search for one target, then the next, or it could be optimal to determine if each item in the display matches any item in the memorized target set. Again, it will be interesting to discover if humans behave optimally in the sense of getting the greatest yield for their efforts.