Figure 1 depicts sample eye movement traces for upward and downward eye-moving conditions, with slow-phase components (as defined by our algorithm) highlighted in black. Both waveforms resemble the classic saw-tooth profile of optokinetic nystagmus.
Movie 1 lends support to this interpretation by showing a portion of the eye movement recordings superimposed on the adaptation stimulus. The traces in
Figure 1 also show that any gross eye movement after adaptation was confined to the initial fixation of the test dot. We saw little evidence of afternystagmus during this phase – in most cases eye movement in this period was similar to the eye tremor accompanying fixation of the test in the baseline condition. Perceiving consistent motion of the test could not therefore be the result of the target moving on the retina.
Analysis of the horizontal eye movements confirmed observers were able to keep their gaze within the central blank area during ocular following.
Figure 2 shows summary histograms of all horizontal-position samples recorded during vertical slow-phases. Foveation of the peripheral strips was infrequent, with 43% of observers in the upward eye-moving condition and 57% in the downward eye-moving condition never doing so at all. Of the remaining observers, only 17% and 12% of the samples collected in the two respective conditions wandered into the prohibited area. This means that the fovea of around half of the observers did not receive any retinal-motion stimulation during eye-movement adaptation, an impression that can be gleaned from
Movie 1. For the remaining observers, only a small proportion of their time was spent fixating the moving strips. Of course, the analysis does not tell us how accurately these ‘rule-breakers’ fixated the strips and so gives no indication of the effective retinal slip the fovea received during adaptation.
Movie 1, for instance, shows one clear rule-breaker (green symbol) fixating the inner edge of the right-hand strip. However, as this observer was able to follow the motion quite well, the degree of retinal motion stimulating this individual’s fovea was arguably low.
Most observers reported compelling motion of the stationary test dot at the end of 60s of vertical eye movement. The direction reported was opposite to the stimulus motion shown in the adaptation period, such that a nystagmus eye movement with upward slow-phase produced a downward MAE. Like
Chaudhuri (1991b), most observers also reported that upward eye movement gave rise to stronger MAE than downward eye movement. This was reflected in the duration data of the eye-moving condition (labeled OKN in
Figure 3) and may result from the increased slow-phase gain found for upward eye movement (0.80) compared to downward (0.61), an asymmetry that has been reported previously (
van den Berg & Collewijn, 1988). The middle pair of bars shows duration data for upward and downward eye-stationary conditions, in which a stationary fixation point was displayed at the centre of the blank area. To reiterate, the speed of the adapting pattern was set to 25% the speed in the eye-moving conditions, in an attempt to equate the average retinal-motion stimulation overall. As it turned out, this was a reasonably good guess at the average retinal slip present in the eye-moving conditions (mean slow-phase gain of ∼0.7 yields an average retinal slip that is ∼30% of the stimulus speed i.e. 3.6°/s). The key difference between eye-moving and eye-stationary conditions was therefore the presence of an ocular-following response as opposed to any gross change in the degree of retinal motion stimulation (eye movements in the eye-stationary condition were negligible).
The extra-retinal nature of the MAE our observers reported is supported by the analysis of the duration data, which showed a significant difference between eye-moving and eye-stationary conditions. However, the eye-stationary data also revealed a small but significant MAE compared to baseline (see legend of
Figure 3 for relevant statistics). This is surprising, not only because measured eye movements were negligible in the eye-stationary conditions but also because the retinal motion was peripheral to the test location during adaptation. One might be tempted to cite this as evidence of motion induction by peripheral MAE. However, the test stimulus was devoid of peripheral landmarks deemed critical for the induction process to operate (
Wade, Spillman & Swanston, 1996). Some observers reported the presence of a short-lived moving afterimage coincident with the strips’ location (see
Thompson, 1998, for discussion). It is possible that a form of ‘phantom’ induction may have occurred between afterimage and test dot. However, not all observers experienced MAE in the eye-stationary conditions and our impression was that its direction was not consistently reported for those that did. For this reason, we ran a separate experiment designed to increase the number of direction judgments made in each of the five conditions, thus gaining a clearer picture as to the consistency of MAE directions perceived.
A new set of observers were therefore asked to judge the direction of MAE for a test dot presented for 4s following 60s adaptation. Each of the five conditions described above were repeated 4 times per observer in random order. Observers were allowed to respond ‘up’, ‘down’ or ‘none’.
Figure 4 shows the percentage of ‘up’ and ‘down’ responses made (for clarity the ‘none’ responses are not shown). In both eye-moving conditions MAE is seen on most occasions and is consistently reported in a direction opposite to the slow-phase of the preceding nystagmus. In the eye-stationary condition MAE was reported less than 50% of the time, with direction preference following upward retinal-motion adaptation especially erratic. This aside, the direction most commonly reported was
opposite to the direction of the adapting motion and hence the wrong way round for any induction effect to be implicated (phantom or otherwise). One possibility is that the weak eye-stationary MAE results from adaptation of motion mechanisms with large receptive fields (Snowden & Milne, 1997). Another is that the effect is extra-retinal in origin because retinal motion can, under certain conditions, lead to afternystagmus with slow-phase in the same direction as the adapting motion (
Schor & Westall, 1986). Unfortunately, within our current set-up we are unable to measure afternystagmus with any success and so cannot determine whether slow large-field motion gives rise to the appropriate post-adaptation eye movement.
One important feature of nystagmus is the distribution of slow-phase durations. This is thought to vary with the intention of the observer to follow the stimulus (
Cheng & Outerbridge, 1974;
Crognale & Schor, 1996;
Schor & Narayan, 1981;
van den Berg & Collewijn, 1988). Slow-phase duration is equal to the reciprocal of fast-phase frequency (though note for the algorithm employed here, the reciprocal relationship only holds once the assumed duration of a saccade is added back in). When using instructions thought to elicit more reflexive eye movement (
Cheng & Outerbridge (1974) found the distribution moved from approximately Gaussian to positively-skewed and multi-modal as stimulus speed lowered. The pattern did not depend on the type of stimulus used. The primary mode centred on 0.3s regardless of speed or stimulus type, a value which is similar to that found for vestibular nystagmus (
Carpenter, 1988) and one that has been used as a way to characterise nystagmus-like eye movements as either reflexive or voluntary (e.g.
Crognale & Schor, 1996). Conversely, when instructed to intentionally follow the stimulus (
look-nystagmus), the distribution exhibited a far more extreme multi-modal shape resembling disparate ‘islands’ of eye movement activity. Again,
Cheng & Outerbridge found the lower mode centred on 0.3s.
Figure 5 shows histograms of slow-phase durations of all observers for the two eye-movement conditions in the duration experiment of
Figure 3. Both distributions resemble those reported by
Cheng & Outerbridge for stare-nystagmus at this stimulus speed (note that neither histogram contains slow-phase durations less than 220ms because saccades separated by less than this were automatically excluded by our algorithm). There is also some evidence of multi-modality, especially in the upward condition (top panel). In both cases the majority of the slow-phase durations were less than 1000ms, a criterion that has been used to segregate reflexive from intentional eye movement (
Crognale & Schor, 1996;
Schor & Narayan, 1981). We conclude the MAEs reported by our observers were induced primarily by reflexive eye movement.
Figure 6 shows the results of the final experiment, in which we examined the storage properties of extra-retinal MAE. Aftereffect duration for retinal and extra-retinal conditions was investigated following 0, 5 or 30s delay between adaptation and test. During the delay observers remained in complete darkness. Retinal MAE was elicited using upward eye-stationary adaptation run at 3°/s but this time followed by the final frame of the display. We did not specify the type of MAE observers should base their judgment on in this condition, be it relative motion between dot and surround, movement of the surround, movement of the central dot or some combination. Extra-retinal MAE was elicited using upward eye-moving adaptation run at 12°/s, combined with stare-nystagmus instructions. The test pattern was a single dot. The duration data reveals a marked difference in the relationship between duration and delay for retinal and extra-retinal MAE. The retinal condition produced almost complete storage over 30s. However, the extra-retinal condition shows a steep decline in MAE duration between 5 and 30s. The extra-retinal MAE appears not to store over the same time period as the retinal MAE. The lack of storage provides support for the nystagmus-suppression hypothesis. The extra-retinal MAE disappears after 30s because afternystagmus is no longer present (see
Chaudhuri, 1991b, for relevant afternystagmus data).