It has been suggested that global-motion extraction is a two-stage motion process, the first stage being the extraction of the local-motion vectors. For the motion extraction of the first-order spatial patterns, this involves some form of motion energy extraction (Adelson & Bergen,
1985) and is probably performed by the motion sensitive cells in V1. Motion extraction of higher-order spatial patterns involves a nonlinear step (Chubb & Sperling,
1988), which may be performed by motion sensitive cells in area V2. The second stage of global motion is an integration of these local motion signals to extract the global motion direction, a task thought to be processed in area MT, based on neurophysiological and fMRI results (Huk & Heeger,
2002; Movshon,
1990; Movshon et al.,
1985; Newsome et al.,
1989; Salzman et al.,
1992), primate lesion studies (Newsome & Paré,
1988), and clinical studies (Baker, Hess, & Zihl,
1991; Vaina, Lemay, Bienfang, Choi, & Nakayama,
1990). Here, we conclude that global motion integration of isoluminant chromatic stimuli appears to be mediated by a biologically based luminance response and is not based on purely chromatic mechanisms, although from on our data we are unable to specify whether the luminance response to the chromatic stimulus arises at the first stage (extraction of local motion) or second stage (integration) of processing. Previous literature suggests that local motion of both L/M-cone opponent and S-cone opponent isoluminant stimuli may be luminance based (Baker et al.,
1998; Michna et al.,
2007; Mullen et al.,
2003; Yoshizawa et al.,
2003), consistent with the idea that the luminance response to chromatic motion arises at a relatively early stage in visual processing. There is good evidence to support the idea that M cells respond to L/M-cone opponent stimuli even at isoluminance (Lee, Martin, & Valberg,
1989b; Lee & Sun,
2004; Smith, Lee, Pokorny, Martin, & Valberg,
1992; Wiesel & Hubel,
1966), and this may be the origin of the psychophysical luminance response to moving red-green chromatic stimuli that we observe. There is also evidence to support an S-cone contribution to the M cell pathway (Chatterjee & Callaway,
2002). The higher stage of motion integration in MT would presumably be applied in the same way to all M cell responses whether they originally arise from chromatic or luminance stimuli. Many studies have demonstrated a response of MT to chromatic stimuli using neurophysiological and fMRI methods (Gegenfurtner et al.,
1994; Mullen, Dumoulin, McMahon, de Zubicaray, & Hess,
2007; Saito, Tanaka, Isono, Yasuda, & Mikami,
1989; Seidemann, Poirson, Wandell, & Newsome,
1999; Thiele, Dobkins, & Albright,
2001; Wandell et al.,
1999), although these do not generally determine whether the MT response is chromatic or luminance in nature, leaving open the question of whether there is a genuine chromatic responses to motion in area MT. It has been shown that S-cones contribute to primate MT neurons through both cone additive and, to a lesser extent, cone opponent responses (Barberini, Cohen, Wandell, & Newsome,
2005), with the cone additive response potentially providing a basis for our psychophysical result demonstrating an S-cone input to MT that is processed as a luminance-based response.