In this discussion, we focussed on binocular rivalry studies. Quite a few other topics have been studied using frequency tagging in MEG. It remains to be discussed for other tagging studies whether conclusions on wide spread brain activity are warranted. The present results are consistent with the suggestion that changes in neural activity from unconscious to conscious states in binocular rivalry occur in early visual areas (Lee, Blake, & Heeger,
2005; Tong,
2003) and are consistent with recent work using rivalrous stimuli in EEG (Kornmeier & Bach,
2005; Pitts, Nerger, & Davis,
2007) and TMS (Pearson, Tadin, & Blake,
2007) on visual rivalry. This statement does even hold for high-level-driven voluntary attentional control over visual rivalry (Meng & Tong,
2004; van Ee, van Dam, & Brouwer,
2005): A recent physiologically and mechanistically plausible model for binocular rivalry (Noest, van Ee, Nijs, & van Wezel,
2007) provided computational evidence that high-level-driven attentional control data (Klink et al.,
in press) could be fully explained through a gain change at the input to a low neural level where neurons both adapt and cross-inhibit one another. In fact, our initial goal here was to validate the computational model predictions. We wished to study whether there was a temporal order in source modulations related to percept switching and attentional control. Although our findings are consistent with the computational model, unfortunately MEG frequency tagging appears unsuitable to allow a systematic study of higher cortical sources. Nevertheless, note that our data does not allow us to reject the hypothesis on involvement of large-scale interactions between brain areas, neither for binocular rivalry nor for other topics.