Surface completion mechanisms (Bakin, Nakayama, & Gilbert,
2000; Grossberg & Mignolla,
1985; Nakayama,
1996; Nakayama, He, & Shimojo,
1998; Nakayama & Shimojo,
1992) are critical for the successful interpretation of our three-dimensional environment. In the MIB display, motion stimuli typically involve feature arrays (e.g., crosses, lines, or dots) that move more or less coherently on a black background. Target suppression may help to resolve the spatial conflict between a perceptually completed surface and stationary targets so that the perceptual interpretation of the scene remains meaningful, particularly when the target is positioned in depth behind a moving surface. Such a description of MIB is consistent with recent evidence from fMRI. Using a very similar stimulus as in our
Experiment 1, Schölvinck and Rees (
2009) found that target disappearance was accompanied by
increases in activation in retinotopic regions of V1 and V2 corresponding to target location. Such activity may reflect an active filling-in/surface completion process, similar to that suggested by single unit recordings during contour completion, also in V1 and V2 (Lee & Nguyen,
2001). In contrast, Donner, Sagi, Bonneh, and Heeger (
2008) reported disappearance-related
decreases in ventral visual areas V1 and V2 and an opposite response in dorsal visual areas V5/MT. They used masks comprised of a moving sphere of dots rather than a structured array of regular “surface texture.” As indicated by Schölvinck and Rees (
2009), such a stimulus may be less likely to create a stable surface representation, which might be more important for early areas. Interestingly, both studies report more general activation, correlated with disappearances, in V5/MT, which may feedback to earlier visual regions. Although depth relationships were not tested in either study, the activation in V5/MT complements our finding that depth-contingent motion aftereffects modulate target disappearance. It is known that V5/MT responds to the MAE (Tootell et al.,
1995) and is sensitive to both motion and binocular depth (Bradley, Qian, & Andersen,
1995; DeAngelis & Newsome,