Two kinds of multimodal interaction effect have been found in humans: the averaging effect and the contrast effect. The averaging effect involves the perception of an intermediate value from multimodal information. For example, the perceived object size is determined by a weighted average of visual and tactile information (Ernst & Banks,
2002). This type of interaction was found not only in size perception (Gepshtein, Burge, Ernst, & Banks,
2005; Helbig & Ernst,
2007) but also in texture perception (Guest, Catmur, Lloyd, & Spence,
2002; Lederman & Abbott,
1981; Lederman, Thorne, & Jones,
1986; Weisenberger & Poling,
2004) and in the perception of number of stimuli (Bresciani, Dammeier, & Ernst,
2006; Wozny, Beierholm, & Shams,
2008). On the other hand, when subjects, using their hands, lift two objects of the same mass but which have visually different volumes, they perceive the smaller object to be heavier. This phenomenon is known as the size-weight illusion or the Charpentier effect (Charpentier,
1891; Murray, Ellis, Bandomir, & Ross,
1999). If we use weighted average to explain this effect, then the visually larger object should be perceived as heavier than the visually smaller object, which is not the case. Thus, the size-weight illusion is caused by another type of interaction with a contrast effect. Until now, this type of interaction has been exclusively related to the size-weight illusion. However, here, we describe a multimodal interaction with a novel contrast effect caused by dynamic visual information. When a moving object collides with our body, we perceive a collision impact. For example, in a ball game, a moving ball exerts brief pressure on the player's hand when caught (collision event) and then the impact with the colliding object is perceived. We reveal experimentally that the visual speed of the object modifies the perceived tactile impact.