Putting aside metaphorical meanings of the term, color space is understood as a vector space, where lights having the same color (i.e., subjectively indistinguishable) are represented as a point. The CIE 1931 color space, empirically based on trichromatic color measurements, is a classical example. Its derivatives, such as CIELAB and sRGB, have been successfully used in many applications (e.g., in color management). However, having been designed for presenting the color of self-luminous objects, these spaces are less suitable for presenting color of reflecting objects. Specifically, they can be used to represent color of objects only for a fixed illumination. Here I put forward a color space to represent the color of objects independently of illumination. It is based on an ideal color atlas comprising the reflectance spectra taking two values: k or 1 − k (0 ≤ k ≤ 1), with two transitions (at wavelengths λ 1 and λ 2) across the spectrum. This color atlas is complete; that is, every reflecting object is metameric to some element of the atlas. When illumination alters, the classes of metameric reflectance spectra are reshuffled but in each class there is exactly one element of the atlas. Hence, the atlas can uniquely represent the metameric classes irrespective of illumination. Each element of the atlas (thus, object color) is specified by three numbers: (i) λ = ( λ 1 + λ 2)/2, which correlates well with hue of object color (as dominant wavelength correlates with hue of light color); (ii) δ = ∣ λ 1 − λ 2∣, which correlates with whiteness/blackness; and (iii) α = ∣1 − 2 k∣, which correlates with chroma of object color (as colorimetric purity correlates with saturation of light color). Using a geographical coordinate system, each element of the atlas (thus, each object color) is geometrically represented as a radius vector so that its length equals α, the latitude and longitude being proportional to δ and λ, respectively.
There has been a long tradition to represent color geometrically as a point in some space (Kuehni,
2003). Although the term “color space” is often used rather loosely, it has an exact meaning in colorimetry (Brainard,
1995; Schanda,
2007), where color is understood as a class of metameric (i.e., visually indistinguishable) lights that are represented by their spectral power distributions (Koenderink & Doorn,
2003; Krantz,
1975). As these distributions constitute a positive cone in a properly chosen functional space, the classes of metameric lights inherit the linear structure due to Grassmann's laws (Koenderink & Doorn,
2003; Krantz,
1975; Suppes, Krantz, Luce, & Tversky,
1989). As a result, color can be represented as a point in a vector space. While the validity of Grassmann's laws remains an open issue (Brill & Robertson,
2007; Logvinenko,
2006), it is widely believed that the physiological basis of metamerism (and Grassmann's laws) is the equality of the cone photoreceptor outputs. In other words, it is assumed that for two lights to be metameric each type of the photoreceptor cones should respond equally to these lights (Smith & Pokorny,
2003; Stockman & Sharpe,
2007; Wyszecki & Stiles,
More formally, let us define the
color signal in response to a light with the spectral power distribution
λ) as a triplet (
φ 1(
φ 2(
φ 3(
I)), where
λ) is the transmittance spectrum of the ocular media (e.g., the lens and macular pigment), and
p i(
λ) is the spectral absorption of the
ith photopigment, (
i = 1, 2, 3), that is assumed to be positive throughout the visible spectrum interval [
λ min,
λ max]. I will use throughout the paper the following values:
λ min = 380 nm,
λ max = 780 nm. Two lights
I 1(
λ) and
I 2(
λ) are assumed to be metameric if and only if the color signals for these lights are equal, that is,
φ i(
I 1) =
φ i(
I 2) for each
Following the established terminology (e.g., Judd & Wyszecki,
1975; Stockman & Sharpe,
2007), the product
will be referred to as the
cone fundamental. The notations
M, and
L will be used for the response of the cone fundamentals with the peak sensitivity in the short-, middle-, and long-wave range of the visible spectrum, respectively.
When one represents a color signal as the point in the 3D space with the Cartesian coordinates ( S, M, L), the color signals from all the lights form a convex cone in this space (referred to as the color signal cone). Each color signal represents a class of metameric lights. As metameric lights are assumed to have the same color, this cone can be considered as a geometrical representation of color in the 3D space that will be referred to as the SML color space.
Although, in fact, such a color space was designed for representing color of lights (i.e., self-luminous objects), it has also been used to represent the color of reflecting objects. Specifically, a surface with the spectral reflectance function
λ) illuminated by a light with the spectral power distribution
λ) produces a color signal the
ith component of which is
It seems safe to assume that when the illumination is fixed (i.e., all the objects are lit by the same light), reflecting objects producing the same color signal (referred to as
metameric reflecting objects) will appear as having the same color. Therefore, under constant illumination each color signal will represent a class of metameric spectral reflectance functions. The color signals produced by all the reflecting objects under the same illuminant form a closed convex volume (referred to as the
object-color solid) in the color signal cone (Koenderink & Doorn,
2003; Luther,
1927; Maximov,
1984; Nyberg,
1928; Schrodinger,
1920/1970; Wyszecki & Stiles,
At the first glance, the object-color solid seems to provide the geometrical representation of object color in the
SML color space the same way as the color signal cone does for light color. However, the analogy is rather superficial because such a representation depends on the illuminant. When the illuminant alters, metameric spectral reflectance functions might cease to be metameric. This phenomenon is known as
metamer mismatching (Wyszecki & Stiles,
1982). Conversely, spectral reflectance functions that produce different color signals under one illuminant may become metameric under the other. So, after an illumination change, some spectral reflectance functions will remain in the same metameric class while others will fall into different classes. Therefore, the reflecting object metamerism as defined above is different for different illuminants.
Because of metamer mismatching, there is no natural way to establish a correspondence between the metameric classes produced under one illumination and those produced under another. In other words, there is no natural one-to-one relationship between two object-color solids induced by different illuminants. To show what is meant by natural relationship, consider a particular case when there is such. Specifically, restrict ourselves to the boundaries of the two object-color solids obtained for different illuminants.
While for every spectral reflectance function mapping into the object-color solid interior, there is an infinite number of metameric spectral reflectance functions, there is no metamerism on the object-color solid boundary.
1 To be more exact, there is no spectral reflectance function metameric to the so-called
optimal spectral reflectance functions, that is, those which map to the boundary of the object-color solid. For example, there are infinitely many spectral reflectance functions mapping to the center of the object-color solid, one of them being a function
λ) ≡ 0.5, which takes 0.5 at every wavelength within the visible spectrum (written
x 0.5(
λ)). However, only one spectral reflectance function maps to the north (respectively, south) pole of the object-color solid, namely, the “perfect reflector”
λ) ≡ 1 (respectively, the “ideal black”
λ) ≡ 0), which takes 1 (respectively, 0) at every wavelength within the visible spectrum.
It seems natural to map one object-color solid boundary onto the other as follows. Let (
L) be a point on the boundary of the object-color solid obtained for the illuminant
λ). There is just one optimal spectral reflectance function that produces this color signal. Denote it
x opt(
λ). As the set of optimal spectral reflectance functions remains the same for a very broad class of illuminants (see
Optimal spectral reflectance functions and object-color solid section),
x opt(
λ) will map to some point in the boundary of the object-color solid obtained for the other illuminant,
λ), say, (
L′). A one-to-one map (
L) → (
L′) establishes natural correspondence between the object-color solid boundaries because it puts in correspondence color signals which represent the same classes of metamerism (though, they are singletons under both the illuminants). Note that this map is non-linear.
Extending this map to the interiors of the object-color solids results in a many-to-many map because of metamer mismatching. Yet, if we replace each metameric class with just one of its members, it becomes possible. Specifically, a one-to-one relationship between the classes of metameric reflectances produced by different illuminants can be established through a color atlas.
In the present context, any sample of non-metameric spectral reflectance functions will be referred to as a color atlas. Each element of a color atlas represents a metameric class to which it belongs. A color atlas that represents all the classes of metamerism will be called complete. As every optimal spectral reflectance function makes a metameric class on its own, a complete color atlas includes all the optimal spectral reflectance functions.
Being a color atlas under one illumination, a set of spectral reflectance functions may cease being a color atlas under the other illumination because of metamer mismatching. Therefore, when using a notion of color atlas, one has always to specify an illuminant for which the given set of spectral reflectance functions is a color atlas. When a sample of spectral reflectance functions is a color atlas for the whole family of illuminants, we will say that the color atlas is invariant with respect to this illuminant family. To summarize, given a family of illuminants, a complete illuminant-invariant color atlas is a set of spectral reflectance functions such that (i) each class of metamerism contains exactly one element of this set under any illuminant in the family, and (ii) any two spectral reflectance functions from the set do not become metameric under any illuminant in the family.
As there is a one-to-one map between an illuminant-invariant color atlas and a set of classes of metamerism under any illuminant (from the family in question), a complete illuminant-invariant color atlas induces a one-to-one map between the classes of metameric reflectances (thus, between the color solids) induced by different illuminants. Indeed, let us put in correspondence those metameric classes that contain the same element of the color atlas.
It follows that a complete color atlas, invariant with respect to some illuminant family, uniquely represents all the metameric classes, thus, all the object colors under any illuminant in this family. Therefore, any spatial representation of such an atlas will be also a spatial representation of the object colors for any illuminant in this family.
In this article, I introduced a particular complete color atlas invariant with respect to illuminants with positive spectral power distribution (
Illuminant invariant color atlas section). The
Object-color space section shows (i) that this color atlas can be geometrically represented as the unit ball in a 3D space and (ii) that this space can be used for representing all the reflecting objects illuminated by lights with positive spectral power distribution. Such representation will be independent of illumination in the sense that the coordinate system in the 3D space will remain the same for the illuminations in question.
A complete illuminant-invariant color atlas can be used to investigate how the color of a particular object (represented by its spectral reflectance function) transforms with illumination. The problem of color transformation induced by illumination can be reduced to the following two. Firstly, the color atlas itself may change its color appearance when the illumination alters. For example, while a white surface remains clearly recognizable as white under various chromatic illuminations, its appearance under, say, yellow light differs from that under blue light. This is a matter of experimental investigation that goes beyond the scope of the present article. Secondly, the color of an object may change because the object may move from one class of metamerism to the other because of an illumination change. As a result, the object will become metameric to a different element of the color atlas. Such an illuminant-induced color stimulus shift is discussed in the
Illuminant- and observer-induced color stimulus shifts section.
The optimal spectral reflectance functions can take only two values: 0 or 1 (Schrodinger,
1920). For example, the spectral reflectance function
λ) ≡ 1 is optimal. Another example of spectral reflectance functions that can be optimal is a
step function (i.e., a piecewise constant function taking 1 or 0) with transition at the wavelength
Note that
λ) ≡ 1 is a particular case of
λ1) when
λ1 =
λmin. Given
λ2 ≥
λ1, the step function with transition wavelengths
λ1 and
λ2 can also be an optimal spectral reflectance function.
Equation 5 will be referred to as the
rectangular spectral reflectance function. Note that
λ1) is a particular case of
λ2) when
λ2 =
λmax. Generally, the step function with transitions at the wavelengths
λmin <
λ1 <
λ2 < … <
λm <
λmax can be an optimal spectral reflectance function.
For any optimal spectral reflectance function x opt( λ), the spectral reflectance function 1 − x opt( λ) has proven to be also optimal. Particularly, if x m( λ; λ 1, …, λ m) is an optimal spectral reflectance function, the spectral reflectance function 1 − x m( λ; λ 1, …, λ m) is also optimal. A pair of optimal spectral reflectance functions x opt( λ) and 1 − x opt( λ) will be called complementary. The optimal spectral reflectance functions x( λ) ≡ 1 and x m( λ; λ 1, …, λ m) for any integer m will be referred to as of type I, the optimal spectral reflectance functions x( λ) ≡ 0 and 1 − x m( λ; λ 1, …, λ m) as of type II.
There is a general belief (Koenderink & Doorn,
2003; MacAdam,
1935; Schrodinger,
1920; Wyszecki & Stiles,
1982) that the optimal spectral reflectance functions are step functions with not more than two transitions across the visible spectrum. (It will be referred to as the
two-transition assumption). However, this is not, strictly speaking, true. In fact, the number of transitions depends on the shape of the cone fundamentals (Maximov,
1984; West & Brill,
1983). More specifically, a theorem has been proved (Logvinenko & Levin,
2009) from which it follows that, for continuous cone fundamentals
λ), and
λ), and an illuminant with integrable spectral power distribution
λ), if
λ1, …,
λm are the only roots of the following equation
k2, and
k3 are arbitrary real numbers (at least one of which is not equal to zero), then a step function (
Equation 6) with transitions at the wavelengths
λ1, …,
λm will be an optimal spectral reflectance function.
If the illuminant is such that
λ) > 0 for
λ min ≤
λ ≤
λ max,
Equation 7 is equivalent to the following
Therefore, the shape of the illuminant spectral power distribution does not affect the set of optimal spectral reflectance functions unless it takes zero values within the visible spectrum interval.
The roots of
Equation 8 have a simple geometrical meaning. Recall that the color signal of the monochromatic light with the wavelength
λ is given by (
s 1(
s 2(
s 3(
λ)). When
λ runs through the interval [
λ min,
λ max], a point (
s 1(
s 2(
s 3(
λ)) makes a curve in the
SML color space which is usually referred to as the
spectral curve (
Figure 1). The cone through the spectral curve is referred to as the
spectral cone (
Figure 1). It represents color of the monochromatic lights. The color signal cone proves to be the convex hull of the spectral cone. The roots of
Equation 8 are the points where the spectral curve intersects the plane defined by the equation
k 1 S +
k 2 M +
k 3 L = 0.
The shape of a projection of the spectral curve to any plane not containing the origin is indicative of the maximum number of transitions for the optimal spectral reflectance functions. For example, let us choose a plane not containing the origin and consider a contour made by the spectral curve projection to this plane (referred to as the
spectrum locus). Let us complete this contour with the interval joining the ends of the spectrum locus (the
purple interval). If the resultant contour (referred to as the
completed spectral contour) is convex, then, as noted by West and Brill (
1983), the two-transition assumption holds true.
As it is safe to assume that the transmittance spectrum of the ocular media is everywhere positive on [
λ min,
λ max] (i.e.,
λ) > 0 in
Equation 2),
Equation 8 amounts to
Therefore, the lens and macular pigment do not affect the set of optimal spectral reflectance functions. Generally, any pre-receptor filter with positive transmittance spectrum cannot affect the set of optimal spectral reflectance functions. It is fully determined by the photopigment spectral absorption.
The absorbance spectra of the cone photopigments are known to be described by a relatively simple analytical expression (Lamb,
1999). The spectral sensitivities of the three cone photopigments calculated from the photopigment optical density template put forward by Govardovskii with coauthors (Govardovskii, Fyhrquist, Reuter, Kuzmin, & Donner,
2000) are presented in
Figure 2. Note that although the spectral responses, especially the
S-cone's, are very low in the long wavelength end of the spectrum, they differ from zero. (This property is of great theoretical importance. For instance, letting
λ) = 0 for
λmin >
λ′ ≥
λ ≥
λmax in
Equation 5, will result in metamerism in the object-color solid boundary.) The cone fundamentals based on these photopigment spectra are presented in
Figure 3.
The completed spectral contour in the unit plane of the SML space based on these cone fundamentals is shown in
Figure 4. As one can see, it is not convex. Firstly, the short wavelength end of the spectrum locus makes a well-pronounced “beak.” Secondly, at the opposite end the spectrum locus reverses its direction making a self-intersection. This results in a so-called hue-reversal effect described by Brindley (
1955). All this leads to that the purple interval lies inside the color signal cone.
Because of concavity of the completed spectral contour in
Figure 4, there exist many lines intersecting the spectrum locus in
Figure 4 at more than two points. A plane through any of these lines and the origin will intersect the spectral curve at more than two points. Therefore, the concavity of the completed spectral contour entails the existence of optimal spectral reflectance functions with more than two transitions, thus the failure of the two-transition assumption.
It follows from
Equation 8 that any three linear independent functions that are the linear transformation of the cone fundamentals will determine the same set of optimal spectral reflectance functions as the cone fundamentals themselves. The color matching functions are generally believed to be the linear transformation of the cone fundamentals (e.g., Judd & Wyszecki,
1975; Stockman & Sharpe,
2007). If this were the case, then the optimal spectral reflectance functions derived from the color matching functions should include spectral reflectance functions with more than two transitions. However, the completed spectral contour (in the unit plane) derived from the color matching functions adopted by the CIE as the standard colorimetric observer (
Figure 5) is convex. This indicates that for this observer the two-transition assumption holds true.
The completed spectral contour plotted for the cone fundamentals proposed by DeMarco, Pokorny, and Smith (
1992) is also convex (
Figure 6). The completed spectral contour based on the cone fundamentals developed by Stockman and Sharpe (
2000) is not, strictly speaking, convex (
Figure 7). A departure from convexity similar to that in
Figure 4 takes place at the long-wavelength end of the spectrum locus. However, no beak at the short-wavelength end of the spectrum locus is present in
Figure 7. It follows that many optimal spectral reflectance functions with the third and fourth transitions at the short-wavelength end of the visible spectrum interval will be lost when using these cone fundamentals.
Therefore, contrary to the view that the different sets of the cone fundamentals put forward by various authors differ from each other mainly by the spectral form of the pre-receptor filter (Smith, Pokorny, & Zaidi,
1983), there are essential differences between them. More specifically, if the major difference between them were the pre-receptor filter transmittance, the spectrum loci determined by them would have been either all convex or all concave. However, as follows from
Figures 5–
7, this is not the case. Furthermore, because of the qualitative difference between the optimal spectral reflectance set induced by the cone fundamentals based on the photopigment spectra and that derived from the color matching functions, it is unlikely that the latter can be represented as a linear transform of the former. Therefore, if Govardovskii's template describes accurately enough the photopigment absorption in human cones, then perhaps the decision about match in the color matching experiments is related to the cone outputs in a more complicated way than hitherto assumed.
As the two-transition assumption is taken for granted in the color literature, of great theoretical and practical importance is how large is the difference between the real object-color solid and that obtained under the two-transition assumption. Specifically, let us call the volume in the SML color space made by the step functions with not more than two transitions the
regular object-color solid (
Figure 8). It is a closed volume nested into the real object-color solid.
The curves in
Figure 8 are the lines of constant
λ 1 and
λ 2. Specifically, each such line represents the color signals induced by the spectral reflectance functions
x 2(
λ 1,
λ 2) (
Equation 5) when either
λ 1 or
λ 2 is fixed. Two coordinate lines, corresponding to the two particular cases when either
λ 1 =
λ min or
λ 2 =
λ max, will be referred to as the
meridians of the regular object-color solid. When
λ 2 =
λ max, the meridian (referred to as the
main meridian) is an image of the spectral reflectance functions
x 1(
λ 1) (
Equation 4). When
λ 1 =
λ min, the meridian (referred to as the
opposite meridian) is an image of the optimal spectral reflectance functions 1 −
x 1(
λ 2). The main and opposite meridians are marked with red and blue, respectively, in
Figure 2, the main meridian being almost hidden. The space between the coordinate lines corresponds to (
λ max −
λ min) / 30. As can be seen, the coordinate lines are not evenly distributed across the boundary surface. They can be made equally spaced after reparameterizing the wavelength interval (see
Wavelength reparameterization section).
It turns out that the maximal difference between the real and regular object-color solids is very small (see
Optimal metamers and optimal color atlas section). Therefore, the regular object-color solid, which is a great deal easier to evaluate from the computational point of view, can be taken as an approximation to the real object-color solid in many practical applications.
Given an illuminant
λ) > 0, for each spectral reflectance function
λ) there is (i) a unique optimal spectral reflectance function
x opt(
λ) and (ii) a unique number 0 ≤
α ≤ 1 such that spectral reflectance function
is metameric to
λ). (Recall that
x 0.5(
λ) ≡ 0.5.)
The set of all the spectral reflectance functions (
Equation 10) is a complete color atlas. Indeed, given an arbitrary
λ), the optimal spectral reflectance
x opt(
λ) that determines the spectral waveform of (
Equation 10) can be found from the condition that the color signal (
φ 1(
x opt),
φ 2(
x opt),
φ 3(
x opt)) is the boundary point of the object-color solid lying on the same radius as (
φ 1(
φ 2(
φ 3(
As the spectral waveform of (
Equation 10) is fully specified by the optimal spectral reflectance functions
x opt(
λ), this atlas will be referred to as the
optimal color atlas. A member (
Equation 10) of the optimal color atlas metameric to
λ) will be called the
optimal metamer of
λ). It takes two values: 0.5(1 ±
α), the difference between which being
α. Therefore,
α indicates how much the spectral reflectance function (1 −
x 0.5(
λ) +
αx opt(
λ) =
x 0.5(
λ) +
x opt(
λ) −
x 0.5(
λ)) deviates from the level of 0.5. I will call the quantity
α the
chromatic amplitude of the optimal metamer (
Equation 10). It can be evaluated as
When chromatic amplitude
α goes from 0 to 1, the color signal of
Equation 10 moves from the center to the boundary of the object-color solid remaining on the same radius.
The optimal color atlas proves to be invariant with respect to illuminants with positive spectral power distribution (see
11). It should be kept in mind that the optimal color atlas invariance does not mean that the optimal metamer of a particular spectral reflectance should be illuminant independent. In fact, many spectral reflectance functions have different optimal metamers under different illuminants. An alteration of the optimal metamer caused by an illuminant change reflects a shift of this reflectance from one class of metamerism to the other because of the illuminant change. In other words, an alteration of the optimal metamer for a particular object indicates the objective alteration of the color of this object (see
Illuminant-induced color stimulus shift section).
Like optimal spectral reflectance functions, the optimal metamers will be divided into two groups—of types I and II—depending on shape of their spectral waveform. Specifically, the optimal metamer (
Equation 10) will be assigned the same type as the optimal reflectance
x opt(
λ) (see
Optimal spectral reflectance functions and object-color solid section). Generally, a spectral reflectance function will be referred to as of type I (respectively, II) if its optimal metamer is of type I (respectively, II).
For each optimal metamer
λ) ≠
x 0.5(
λ), there is a unique optimal metamer that differs from
λ) only in type. Two such optimal metamers will be called
complementary. They map to the points symmetrical with respect to the object-color solid center.
3 For the sake of generality, the optimal metamer
x 0.5(
λ) will be assumed to be complementary to itself. The colors of two complementary optimal metamers will be called
complementary. For each object color, there is only one complementary color.
As the object-color complementarity has been defined in terms of the optimal color atlas, it is independent of illumination. Note, however, that two spectral reflectance functions that have complementary colors under one illuminant may prove to have non-complementary colors under the other illuminant (see
Illuminant-induced color stimulus shift section).
opt, the optimal spectral reflectance function complementary to an optimal spectral reflectance function
x opt (i.e.,
opt = 1 −
x opt), we get
x 0.5(
λ) +
λ) −
x 0.5(
λ)) =
x 0.5(
λ) −
x opt(
λ) −
x 0.5(
λ)). This equation allows us to extend formally the chromatic amplitude range treating an optimal metamer with
negative chromatic amplitude as that of positive chromatic amplitude of the same magnitude and complementary spectral waveform. For example, the optimal spectral reflectance function
λ) ≡ 0 can be interpreted as the optimal spectral reflectance function
λ) ≡ 1 with negative chromatic amplitude −1. Hence, using negative chromatic amplitude, we can restrict our consideration to only optimal spectral reflectance functions of type I. In this case, the spectral reflectance functions of negative chromatic amplitude will be exactly the set of the spectral reflectance functions of type II. I will use the term
purity for the absolute value of chromatic amplitude.
The optimal color atlas is, generally, different for different cone fundamentals (thus, color matching functions) because it is determined by the set of the optimal object-color stimuli (i.e., the optimal spectral reflectance functions). For example, when the two-transition assumption holds true, the optimal object-color stimuli are the rectangular spectral reflectance functions. When the two-transition assumption fails there are optimal spectral reflectance functions with more than two transitions. Therefore, in this case the optimal color atlas also includes spectral reflectance functions with more than two transitions.
As the set of the optimal object-color stimuli, in fact, generates the optimal color atlas, it will play an important role in our analysis. I will refer to the set of the optimal object-color stimuli as the
chromatic base of the optimal color atlas. It will be shown in the
Perceptual correlates of the αδλ color descriptors section that the chromatic base specifies the object-color hues. In the case of the two-transition assumption, the chromatic base comprises only rectangular spectral reflectance functions. It will be called the
rectangle chromatic base.
It is important to note that even when the two-transition assumption fails the rectangle chromatic base can be used to represent the optimal color atlas. More specifically, given a spectral reflectance function
λ) producing the color signal (
φ 1(
φ 2(
φ 3(
x)) (see
Equation 3), consider simultaneous equations
x 2(
λ 1,
λ 2) is a rectangular spectral reflectance function with the transition wavelengths
λ 1 and
λ 2 (
Equation 5) (
i = 1,2,3). These equations can always be resolved with respect to
α, λ 1, and
λ 2. If the color signal (
φ 1(
φ 2(
φ 3(
x)) lies within the regular object-color solid, the solution will be such that ∣
α∣ ≤ 1. For those color signals that are between the boundary surfaces of the real and regular object-color solids, we will get ∣
α∣ > 1. In this case (1 +
α) / 2 exceeds 1, and (1 −
α) / 2 is negative. While such profiles cannot be treated as spectral reflectance functions, I will consider them as
improper spectral reflectance functions. Taking them into consideration allows one to represent the optimal color atlas by rectangle spectral reflectance functions with not more than two transitions.
So, even when the two-transition assumption is not satisfied, for each spectral reflectance function
λ), there is a (perhaps, improper) spectral reflectance function
x 0.5(
λ) +
x 2(
λ 1,
λ 2) −
x 0.5(
λ)) that meets
Equation 12. It will be called the
rectangular metamer of the object-color stimulus
λ). The rectangular metamer will be referred to as improper if ∣
α∣ > 1. Although the set of all the rectangle metamers for all the object-color stimuli cannot be a proper colors atlas (as it contains improper spectral reflectance functions), I will refer to it as the
rectangle color atlas. To avoid confusion, I will call
improper those color atlases that contain improper spectral reflectance functions. As a rectangular metamer can be specified by only three numbers (
λ 1,
λ 2, and
α), using the rectangle color atlas will allow a three-coordinate representation of the optimal color atlas.
There are, of course, many other improper color atlases that provide a three-coordinate representation of the optimal color atlas. For example, given three spectral reflectance functions (which do not metameric under any illuminant with positive spectral power distribution) x 1( λ), x 2( λ), and x 3( λ), any element of the optimal color atlas x( λ) is metameric to some linear combination of these functions: k 1 x 1( λ) + k 2 x 2( λ) + k 3 x 3( λ). The weights k 1, k 2, and k 3 can be considered as linear coordinates of the element of the optimal color atlas. When x( λ) runs over the whole optimal color atlas, the resultant set of the functions, { k 1 x 1( λ) + k 2 x 2( λ) + k 3 x 3( λ)}, makes an improper color atlas that will be referred to as a linear color atlas based on the basis functions x 1( λ), x 2( λ), x 3( λ).
It should be borne in mind that a coordinate representation of the optimal color atlas based on an improper color atlas depends, generally, on both illumination and cone fundamentals. Specifically, a linear color atlas, strictly speaking, will provide different coordinates for an optimal object-color stimuli under different illuminations unless this stimulus is a basis function. Direct calculations show that the variation of the linear coordinates, for example, for a perfect reflector can be quite large even for natural illuminants. Therefore, linear color atlases do not, generally, provide the coordinate representation of the optimal color atlas that is constant with respect to illumination.
While the three-coordinate representation of the optimal color atlas based on the rectangle color atlas also depends on illuminant, this dependence proves to be very small. More specifically, the set of optimal spectral reflectance functions has, firstly, been evaluated for the cone fundamentals based on the photopigment spectra (
Figure 3). Many of rectangular spectral reflectance functions (with two transitions) have proved to be the optimal object-color stimuli. For these, the coordinates
λ 1,
λ 2, and
α are, obviously, independent of illumination. Still, a number of optimal spectral reflectance functions with three and four transitions have been found. These spectral reflectance functions are, generally, metameric to different rectangular metamers under different illuminants. The rectangle metamers have been calculated for the optimal spectral reflectance functions with more than two transitions for a few illuminants. Their purity has been found to fall into the narrow band between 1 and 1.01. Hence, if one measures the distance between the boundaries of the real and regular object-color solids along radii, then the maximum distance does not exceed 1%. It follows that the regular object-color solid is a good approximation to the real object-color solid. Furthermore, the variability of the coordinates
λ 1,
λ 2, and
α for the optimal spectral reflectance functions with more than two transitions has been found to be negligibly small. Therefore, while being of theoretical importance, the dependence of the coordinates
λ 1,
λ 2, and
α on illuminant is unlikely to have a significant impact in most practical applications. Thus, the rectangle color atlas can be use to provide the three-coordinate representation of the optimal color atlas which is quite easy to compute.
When illumination changes an object-color stimulus can move from one class of metamerism to another. Hence, the color coordinates of a reflecting object may alter when the illumination changes because of the shift of its rectangular metamer from one metameric class to the other. Such a shift of an object-color stimulus over classes of metamerism induced by a change in illumination (referred to as the
illuminant-induced color stimulus shift) results in an alteration of object color. For instance, as mentioned in the
Optimal metamers and optimal color atlas section, object-color stimulus having complementary colors may get non-complementary colors because of the illuminant-induced color stimulus shift.
The illuminant-induced color stimulus shift caused by a replacement of the CIE illuminant
D65 with the CIE illuminant
A has been examined for Munsell and NCS papers. Specifically, using
Equation 12 the
αδλ color descriptors of 1600 Munsell papers were calculated for the illuminants
D65 and
A using the cone fundamentals depicted in
Figure 3.
Figure 24 shows how purity evaluated for the CIE illuminant
A covaries with that evaluated for the CIE illuminant
D65. Likewise,
Figures 25 and
26 present the spectral bandwidths and central wavelengths as evaluated for the CIE illuminants
D65 and
A, respectively.
For the purpose of its quantification, an illuminant-induced color stimulus shift can be decomposed into three component shifts. Specifically, let
α, , and
be the purity, spectral bandwidth, and central wavelength of the rectangular metamer for a spectral reflectance
λ) under one illumination, and
′ under the other. Then the illuminant-induced purity shift for
λ) can be quantified by the difference
α −
α′, the illuminant-induced spectral bandwidth shift by
′ and the illuminant-induced central wavelength shift by
The component color stimulus shifts produced by switching over from the illuminant
D65 to
A have been derived from the data presented in
Figures 24–
26. Specifically, the color descriptors
α, , and
have been calculated for the CIE illuminant
D65 and then
′ for the CIE illuminant
A. The distribution of the purity shift magnitude, ∣
α −
α′∣, is given in
Figure 27. Purity of the Munsell collection turns out to be rather robust to the illuminant change. Specifically, it has been found that 1023 Munsell papers (64%) change their purity by 0.01 or less, 1404 papers (88%) changing it by not more than 0.025. Similarly,
Figures 28 and
29 present the distributions of the spectral bandwidth shift magnitude, ∣
′∣, and central wavelength shift magnitude, ∣
′∣, respectively.
Both the spectral bandwidth and central wavelength shifts contribute into the shift in chromaticity. It must be said, however, that the latter quantity is rather ambiguous. Indeed, a shift of the same magnitude ∣
′∣ along the equator might result in a larger chromaticity difference than along circles closer to the poles. In other words, the distance between two points on the chromaticity sphere separated by the same difference (
′) depends on their latitudes (i.e.,
A more appropriate index of the chromaticity shift would then be a distance on the chromaticity sphere between two points determined by (
) and (
′). As known, the distance between two points on a sphere is measured by the length of the shorter arc of the great circle
5 through the points. More specifically, consider two object-color stimuli lying on the same sphere in the
αδλ object-color space (i.e., of the same purity) with coordinates (
c, ,
) and (
c, ′,
′). And let
β, β′,
θ, and
θ′ be the geographical latitudes and longitudes of the points (
) and (
′), that is,
β =
π −
β′ =
π ′ −
θ = 2
π , and
θ′ = 2
π ′. Then, the distance between these points on the spherical surface of radius
c is given by
As one can see, the distance
d is proportional to purity,
c. This is in line with our intuition that the chromaticity difference between the object-color stimuli decreases with their purity.
Equation 22 will be used to quantify the chromaticity difference between the object-color stimuli with color descriptors (
c, ,
) and (
c, ′,
This formula can also be used for the object-color stimuli of different purities,
c and
c′, provided that the purity difference ∣
c −
c′∣ is not large. In this case, the average purity, (
c −
c′) / 2, can be put as
c in
Equation 22. More specifically, to measure the chromaticity difference between the object-color stimuli with color descriptors (
c, ,
) and (
′) when
c −
c′ is small the following formula can be used:
Due to normalizing by a factor
π in
Equation 23, the maximum chromaticity difference equals 1.
For large purity differences,
Equation 23 is not appropriate. Indeed, consider, for example, two stimuli lying on the diameter of the equatorial circle of the
αδλ object-color solid (i.e.,
β =
β′ = 0 and
θ −
θ′ =
π): one of full purity (
c = 1) and the other with the purity close to zero, that is,
c′ ≅ 0. In this case,
Equation 23 yields
D ≅
c/2. Therefore, despite that these object-color stimuli differ practically only in purity, the
Equation 23 gives a measure substantially different from zero. To avoid such a “pathology,”
Equation 23 can be modified as follows
c −
c′ is small, both
Equations 23 and
24 give approximately the same value. However, when
c′ → 0,
D in
Equation 24 approaches zero for any (
) and (
Equation 24, the chromaticity shift induced by the illuminant shift (from
D65 to
A) has been evaluated for 1600 Munsell papers (
Figure 30) and 1950 NCS papers (
Figure 31). The mean chromaticity shift for 1600 Munsell papers is 0.0118; the maximum chromaticity shift being 0.1283. For 57.6% of the Munsell papers, the chromaticity shift does not exceed 0.01, for 83% 0.02, and for 92.3% 0.03. A similar result has been observed for NCS papers (
Figure 31). Specifically, the mean and maximum chromaticity shifts are found to be 0.0135 and 0.1349, respectively. Nearly half the NCS papers (48.5%) undergo chromaticity shift of not more than 0.01, 79.1% changing their chromaticity by not more than 0.02, and 92% not more than 0.03.
It should be borne in mind that the chromaticity difference (
Equation 24) is an arbitrary stimulus measure. In order to relate it to subjective color difference, the chromaticity differences (
Equation 24) between adjacent Munsell Hues have been evaluated. More specifically, 40 Munsell papers—one from each page—have been selected so that each selected paper has maximal Munsell Chroma. Chromaticity differences (
Equation 24) have been evaluated for 40 consecutive pairs in this selection (
Figure 32). Maximal difference, 0.145, has been found between the papers 10Y8.5/12 and 2.5GY7/12, the minimal, 0.007, between 5RP5/12 and 7.5RP5/14. The mean chromaticity difference is found to be 0.0366, the median being 0.0250. Therefore, the mean chromaticity difference between adjacent Munsell Hues is more than three times as much as the mean chromaticity shift induced by the illuminant shift (
D65 to
A) observed for all the 1600 Munsell papers. Hence, on average, a change in color for Munsell papers induced by the shift from the illuminants
D65 to
A is, by and large, at the limit of our ability to discern chromatic differences.
The main motivation for developing a new color space has been that the CIE 1931 color space, and its derivatives can be used to represent the color of objects only if the illumination of these objects is the same because when the illumination changes the vector representation (i.e., tristimulus values) changes as well. As one can see, the color coordinates of a reflecting object in the αδλ object-color space vary with illumination as well (because of illuminant-induced color stimulus shift). Yet, there is an important difference between these two cases. In the case of the CIE 1931 color stimulus representation, the coordinate system itself changes with illumination. For example, a sheet of paper under (i) the direct sun light and (ii) the light from blue sky will reflect different lights. These lights will be represented by two different points in the CIE 1931 color space. This difference is, generally, produced by both a possible change of the sheet color (due to the illuminant-induced color stimulus shift) and by the change in the coordinate system. In the αδλ object color, these two contributions are well separated because the coordinate system in this space does not depend on illuminant. That is, the new space is invariant of illumination change. Moreover, any change of the coordinates of a reflecting object evaluated for two illuminants indicates the change of the object color induced by the illuminant alteration. Hence, the new space can be used to predict the effect of the illumination on object color that is hard to achieve with the CIE 1931 color space and its derivatives.
A spatial representation of object color implies a sample of spectral reflectance functions, i.e., color atlas (Koenderink,
1987; Koenderink & Doorn,
2003). It is the color atlas that undergoes a spatial order whereby all the colors it renders also get spatially arranged. Ideally, a color atlas (thus, the color order system based on it) is to specify a spectral reflectance in terms of some perceptual color dimensions. In fact, the color order systems available at the present are rather far from this ideal. Indeed, the spatial order is usually imposed on the color atlas either in terms of some perceptual (e.g., Munsell atlas, NCS) or physical dimensions (e.g., Koenderink & Doorn,
2003; Ostwald,
1931). Being based on intuitively clear perceptual dimensions, the perceptual color order systems usually do not provide an easy way to characterize an arbitrary spectral reflectance in terms of these dimensions.
6 For instance, 200 years ago Runge, with his color sphere, anticipated the geometrical form of the object-color manifold
7 (Kuehni,
2003, pp. 59–62). However, one cannot locate a particular spectral reflectance in Runge's sphere. Nor can one compute Munsell Hue, Chroma, and Value for an arbitrary spectral reflectance function.
8 On the other hand, the dimensions of the physical color order systems do not lend themselves readily to perceptual interpretation. For example, representing a spectral reflectance as a weighted combination of three basis spectral reflectance functions, the linear models specify each arbitrary spectral reflectance by the three numbers (for a review, see Brainard,
1995; Hurlbert,
1998; Maloney,
2003). However, a phenomenological interpretation of these numbers is hardly possible.
An ideal solution would be a physical color order system whose dimensions allow straightforward phenomenological interpretation. Ostwald's color system (Ostwald,
1931) can be considered as a significant step toward this ideal. This system is based on a set of rectangular spectral reflectance functions that differ from the rectangle color atlas put forward here in the following. Firstly, Ostwald's rectangular spectral reflectance function takes two values,
a and
b, which are not necessarily symmetric with respect to value 0.5 (that is,
a +
b can differ from 1). Secondly, Ostwald's color atlas does not include the whole set of rectangular spectral reflectance functions. More specifically, Ostwald employed a set of rectangular spectral reflectance functions of special form which he called semichromes (Vollfarben) (Koenderink & Doorn,
2003). The set of semichromes included only those rectangular spectral reflectance functions for which either their transition wavelengths were complementary to each other; or one transition wavelength coincided with the visible spectrum interval end (i.e.,
λmin or
λmax), and the other lay between the wavelengths complementary to
λmin and
λmax. The semichromes prove to map into a closed curve on the object-color solid boundary (Koenderink & Doorn,
2003). As a result, Ostwald's color atlas turned out to be not complete; that is, it did not encompass all the object colors. Moreover, as the complementarity of wavelengths depends on illuminant, Ostwald's definition of semichromes depends on illuminant. Therefore, Ostwald's color atlas is not invariant of illumination.
The optimal color atlas proposed here is complete and invariant with respect to all the lights with positive spectral power distribution. It provides a frame of reference, independent of illuminant, in terms of which each class of object-color stimuli metameric under any positive illuminant can be represented. More specifically, as shown above, the optimal color atlas makes a three-dimensional manifold that can be geometrically represented as a 3D unit ball. A class of stimuli metameric under a specific illuminant is specified by projecting it along the radius from the center to the corresponding optimal object-color stimuli. Such a frame reference remains the same for any light with positive spectral power distribution because, first, the set of optimal object-color stimuli does not depend on illumination (of this kind), and second, the spectral reflectance x 0.5( λ) ≡ 0.5 always belongs to the class of metamerism, which is the center of the manifold of all the classes of metamerism for any illuminant. Note that this way of encoding is similar to that which the visual system uses to encode color. Achromatic and chromatic hues encode the optimal object-color stimulus, and purity encodes the distance from the center. Therefore, the way of encoding object color underlying the proposed object-color space is a rough sketch of the end product of the human color vision.
Furthermore, reparameterizing the optimal color atlas by using the rectangle color atlas allows to introduce the spherical coordinate system with clear perceptual meaning. Indeed, the central wavelength proves to characterize the hue of a rectangular metamer (thus, any spectral reflectance metameric to it) as accurately as the dominant wavelength does the hue of a monochromatic light.
An important feature of the rectangle color atlas is that the αδλ color descriptors of the optimal rectangular spectral reflectance functions remain practically constant with respect to illumination. Particularly, the chromaticity coordinates and purity of the perfect reflector ( x( λ) ≡ 1) and the ideal black ( x( λ) ≡ 0) are the same for all the illuminants (with positive spectral power distribution). This is not the case when reparameterization of the optimal color atlas is based on a linear representation unless the basis spectral reflectance functions themselves include the perfect reflector or ideal black. Generally, the linear coordinates of the optimal rectangular spectral reflectance functions will change with illumination. Furthermore, the basis spectral reflectance functions move from one class of metamerism to another when illumination alters. Therefore, the linear representation of a metameric class is performed in terms of the basis that is subject to uncontrollable change when illumination alters. In other words, the linear models do not provide a frame reference robust to illumination change. From this point of view, using the linear models for representing spectral reflectance provides no advantage to the common practice of using the CIE 1931 color space to represent object color.
Likewise, a color atlas based on Gaussian spectral reflectance functions (MacLeod & Golz,
2003; Nikolaev,
1985) does not provide a frame reference robust to illumination change either. Neither does any physical finite sample of spectral reflectance functions (e.g., Munsell atlas, NCS). Indeed, being subject to color stimulus shift, the Munsell papers may change their class of metamerism with illumination. Therefore, if some spectral reflectance remains metameric to the same Munsell paper under two different illuminants, this will not necessarily guarantee that its color remains the same. It might simply mean that this spectral reflectance changes its color.
9 The same way as the Munsell paper in question.
Object-color stimulus: An object-color stimulus is spectral reflectance.
Illuminant: An illuminant is spectral power distribution.
Remark: Object-color stimulus times illuminant amounts to color stimulus as defined by Wyszecki and Stiles (
1982, p. 723).
Sensor: A sensor
φ is a linear device the response,
w), of which to a color stimulus
λ) is given by
λ) is the spectral sensitivity of the sensor and [
λ min,
λ max] is the visible spectrum interval.
Color signal: The color signal produced by sensors φ 1, φ 2, and φ 3 in response to a color stimulus w( λ) is a triplet ( φ 1( w), φ 2( w), φ 3( w)).
Color signal space: Given sensors φ 1, φ 2, and φ 3, a color signal space is a 3D affine space in which any color stimulus w( λ) is represented as a point with the coordinates ( φ 1( w), φ 2( w), φ 3( w)).
Metameric object-color stimuli: Two physically different object-color stimuli producing the same color signals under some illuminant are called metameric under this illuminant.
Object-color: An object-color is a class of metameric object-color stimuli.
Object-color solid: The object-color solid is a set of points in the color signal space produced by all possible object-color stimuli for a fixed illuminant.
Optimal object-color stimuli: An optimal object-color stimulus is a spectral reflectance the color signal of which lies on the boundary surface of the object-color solid.
Remark: If x( λ) is optimal object-color stimulus, then 1 − x( λ) is optimal object-color stimulus as well.
Complementary optimal object-color stimuli: Given an optimal object-color stimulus x( λ), the optimal object-color stimulus 1 − x( λ) is called complementary to x( λ).
Step function: A step (spectral reflectance) function is a piecewise constant function taking only two values: 0 or 1.
Remark: Each optimal object-color stimulus is a step spectral reflectance function.
Transition wavelengths: Transition wavelengths of a step spectral reflectance function are those where transition between 1 and 0 occurs.
Rectangular function: A rectangular (spectral reflectance) function is a step function taking 1 on the interval [ λ 1, λ 2] ( λ min ≤ λ 1 ≤ λ 2 ≤ λ max) and 0 outside it.
Complete color atlas: A complete color atlas is a set of (not metameric) object-color stimuli such that each object-color stimulus is metameric to one of its element.
Illuminant invariant color atlas: A complete color atlas is said to be invariant with respect to the family of illuminants if and only if (i) each class of metamerism contains exactly one element of the atlas under any illuminant in the family and (ii) any two elements of the atlas do not become metameric under any illuminant in the family.
Optimal color atlas: The optimal color atlas is a set of spectral reflectance functions expressed as
x 0.5(
λ) is the spectral reflectance function taking 0.5 at every wavelength
λ within the visible spectrum interval [
λ min,
λ max] and
x opt(
λ) runs over the whole set of optimal object-color stimuli.
Remark: The optimal color atlas is complete and invariant with respect to illuminants with positive spectral power distribution.
Rectangular metamer: The rectangular metamer of an object-color stimulus
λ) is a piecewise constant spectral reflectance function, metameric to
λ), which is given by
x 0.5(
λ) is defined as above (
Equation A2);
x 2(
λ 1,
λ 2) is the rectangular spectral reflectance function with the transition wavelengths
λ 1 ≤
λ 2;
α is a real number.
Proper and improper rectangular metamers: The rectangular metamer (
Equation A3) is called proper (respectively, improper) if ∣
α∣ in
Equation A3 is such that ∣
α∣ ≤ 1 (respectively, ∣
α∣ > 1).
Rectangle color atlas: The rectangle color atlas is the set of the rectangular metamers for all the object-color stimuli.
Central wavelength: The central wavelength of a rectangular spectral reflectance function with the transition wavelengths λ 1 and λ 2 is given by ( λ 1 + λ 2) / 2. The central wavelength of an element of the rectangle color atlas (1 − α) x 0.5( λ) + αx 2( λ; λ 1, λ 2) is the central wavelength of the rectangular spectral reflectance function x 2( λ; λ 1, λ 2). The central wavelength of an object-color stimulus x( λ) is the central wavelength of its rectangular metamer.
Spectral band: The spectral bandwidth of a rectangular spectral reflectance function with the transition wavelengths λ 1 and λ 2 is given by ∣ λ 1 − λ 2∣. The spectral bandwidth of an element of the rectangle color atlas (1 − α) x 0.5( λ) + αx 2( λ; λ 1, λ 2) is the spectral bandwidth of the rectangular spectral reflectance function x 2( λ; λ 1, λ 2). The spectral bandwidth of an object-color stimulus x( λ) is the spectral bandwidth of its rectangular metamer.
Chromatic amplitude: The parameter α of an element of the rectangle color atlas (1 − α) x 0.5( λ) + α x 2( λ; λ 1, λ 2) is its chromatic amplitude. The chromatic amplitude of an object-color stimulus x( λ) is the chromatic amplitude of its rectangular metamer.
Purity: The purity of an object-color stimulus is the absolute value of its chromatic amplitude.
Complementary object-color stimuli: Two object-color stimuli are complementary if their rectangle metamers differ only by sign of the chromatic amplitude α.
Chromaticity coordinates: The chromaticity coordinates of an object-color stimulus
λ) are the quantities
β and
θ, which are related to the spectral bandwidth and the central wavelength of
λ) as
β =
π −
π/2 and
θ = 2
π , where
are defined by
Equations 18 and
Object-color space: Object-color space is a 3D space with the geographical coordinate system such that each object-color stimulus x( λ) is represented as a point at a distance from the origin equal to its purity, the latitude and longitude being equal to the chromaticity coordinates of x( λ).
Chromaticity difference: Chromaticity difference between object-color stimuli with the chromaticity coordinates
β, β′,
θ, and
θ′ and purities
c and
c′ is given by
Equation 24.
This work was supported by a research grant EP/C010353/1 from EPSRC. It has greatly benefited from fruitful discussions on various aspects of color theory with M. Brill, A. Chernavski, V. Levin, L. Maloney, and V. Maximov. I am grateful to V. Govardovskii for providing me with the photopigment templates. Thanks are due to T. Lu and R. Tokunaga for assistance in preparation of the manuscript. I also thank D. Brainard, M. Brill, D. Foster, B. Funt, J. Koenderink, and R. Kuehni for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of the paper.
Commercial relationships: none.
Corresponding authors: Alexander D. Logvinenko.
Address: Department of Vision Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, City Campus, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA, UK.