The present finding that color-selective attention results in enhanced processing of the selected items in the visual cortex is consistent with previous fMRI (Saenz et al.,
2002) and SSVEP (Andersen et al.,
2008; Müller et al.,
2006) studies showing that attended-color stimuli elicit stronger neural responses at an early stage of visual-cortical processing. As noted in the
Introduction section, however, the designs of all these studies had some spatial separation between the intercalated attended and unattended items making it difficult to completely rule out spatial mediation of the color-selective processing. Nonetheless, the results of these previous studies and those of the present experiment may be readily interpreted in the framework of the feature-similarity gain model (Maunsell & Treue,
2006; Treue & Martinez-Trujillo,
1999), which specifies that all neurons that respond selectively to a particular feature (such as a particular color) will show an increase in gain or responsiveness when that feature is attended. This increase in gain may extend even to neurons with spatial receptive fields that are distant from the attended region (e.g., in the opposite visual field). Moreover, when the attended stimuli are defined as having two features (e.g., a particular color and shape), the sensory gain of cortical neurons is facilitated in a parallel, additive manner for each feature (Andersen et al.,
2008; Bichot, Rossi, & Desimone,
2005). The neural circuitry that underlies such widespread facilitation of color processing has yet to be worked out, but presumably would involve top-down projections from attentional control areas that produce a differential gain change for neurons preferring the attended feature across the entire retinotopic representation (Maunsell & Treue,
2006). The present study affirms that such feature-selective gain enhancement can occur within an attended stimulus array and without mediation by spatial attention.