In constructing “real” triangles, it is important to note that, given the subjective nature of Kanizsa figures, there is no “real” objective counterpart, especially for conditions in which the figure is defined by curvilinear contours. To our knowledge, no studies have directly attempted to systematically define the shape of curvilinear Kanizsa figures with changing token angle. However, a good perceptual approximation of the curvilinear shape of Kanizsa figures can be achieved through cosine modulation of the border of a triangle according to the following equations:
r 0,
ϕ 0) is the polar coordinate of any point of a regular equilateral triangle with respect to its centroid;
r 0 denotes the distance between its centroid to its vertex; while
ϕ 0 denotes the angle deviating from this line. The modulation applied,
r 0,
ϕ 0), is defined relative to a circle sharing its center with the centroid of the triangle and having a radius equal to
r 0.
A represents the magnitude of the modulation.
r 0,
ϕ 0) denotes the modulated coordinate. A fully modulated triangle with
A equal to 1 will result in the polar coordinate
r 0,
ϕ 0) of a full circle with a radius equal to
r 0. The parameter
r 0 is kept constant at 2.61° and is similar to the distance of the center of Kanizsa tokens from the center of the stimulus in the previous experiments. Nine modulations,
A = −0.08, −0.06, −0.04, −0.02, 0.0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, were tested.
Figures 6a and
6b show the maximally modulated stimuli tested in the present experiment with
A equal to −0.08 and 0.08. Naturally, 0.0 represents a “regular” triangle, while negative and positive values correspond to “thinner” and “fatter” figures.