While our results suggest that the advantage in expert identification judgments lies at least in part in an earlier onset of perceptual encoding, the mechanism underlying this advantage cannot be determined based on behavior alone. That is, because our inferences are based on the behavioral responses of observers, rather than the activity at a given neural stage of processing (e.g., Hung et al.,
2005; Woodman et al.,
2008), we cannot distinguish between models that vary in their specific neurophysiological sub-stages. For instance, it is possible, although unlikely, that onset of activity differs between novices and experts as early as V1. Alternatively, our effects could depend on the responses of object-selective inferotemporal neurons. These neurons may become more numerous, and/or more selective, with expertise (Ashbridge et al.,
2000; Booth & Rolls,
1998; Kobatake, Wang, & Tanaka,
1998; Logothetis, Pauls, & Poggio,
1995; Sheinberg & Logothetis,
2001) and lead to earlier responses in decisional units they feed into, or they may start to respond with different onsets as they themselves accumulate more information in categories of expertise from feature-selective neurons in earlier areas. Thus, the specific locus of change with expertise is a question for neurophysiological studies. However, fMRI experiments suggest that face-selective regions of the ventral temporal lobe (FFA in humans) would be a good candidate area to consider, because this area shows both an inversion effect for faces (Gauthier et al.,
1999; Yovel & Kanwisher,
2005) and an expertise effect (Gauthier et al.,
2000; Xu,
2005) that is specific to upright objects of expertise (Gauthier et al.,
1999; Moore, Cohen, & Ranganath,