Saccade latency and amplitude were analyzed with a 3 × 3 × 2 × 2 ANOVA with within-subject factors eccentricity (5°, 10°, 20°), step variability (low, medium, high) and epoch (baseline, posttest) and between-subject factor average step size (−1°, −3°).
Saccade latency was normal for visually-guided saccades (169 ± 57 ms, mean±standard deviation) and was not affected by eccentricity, step variability, epoch, or average step size.
Saccade amplitude increased with eccentricity (on average, 4.8° ± 0.3°, 9.4° ± 0.4° and 18.9° ± 0.6° for 5°, 10°, and 20° targets in the baseline). Amplitude decreased between baseline and posttest,
F(1, 10) = 136.0,
p < 0.001. This effect of epoch depended on average step size: Amplitude decreased by 0.61° ± 0.3° when average step size was −1° and by 1.13° ± 0.5° when average step size was −3°. No other interaction with step size was significant. Although there was a decrease for all eccentricities, the magnitude of that decrease depended on eccentricity,
F(2, 20) = 34.4,
p < 0.001: the greater the eccentricity, the greater the difference between baseline and posttest. The difference between baseline and posttest also depended on step variability, but differently depending on eccentricity, significant triple interaction between epoch, eccentricity and step variability,
F(4, 40) = 10.1,
p < 0.001. For the 5° and 10° eccentricities, adaptation decreased with increasing step variability (5° targets: 0.68 ± 0.8, 0.63 ± 0.20, 0.06 ± 0.18; 10° targets: 1.10 ± 0.51, 0.92 ± 0.47, 0.50 ± 0.48 for low, medium, and high variability respectively) whereas for the 20° eccentricity, the effect was reversed, with greater adaptation with increasing variability (1.04 ± 0.89°, 1.35 ± 0.68°, 1.58 ± 0.69°). These effects are illustrated in
Figure 9.
Amplitude changes are often expressed as a percent change between baseline and posttest epochs: ([baseline − post-test]/baseline). This measure normalizes over different eccentricities. Despite an increase in the absolute difference in amplitude between baseline and posttest epochs, as described above, there was a slight decline in the % adaptation with increasing eccentricity, 9.4 ± 6%, 8.8 ± 4%, 7.0 ± 3% respectively for 5°, 10°, and 20°; F(2, 20) = 3.9, p < 0.04, that did not vary with average step size (F < 1). Similarly to the pattern found for the amplitude analysis, the effect of step variability depended on eccentricity, F(4, 40) = 20.5, p < 0.001: Increased step variability led to a decrease in adaptation for the 5° and 10° eccentricities, and an increase for the 20° eccentricity.
There was evidence of adaptation of saccade amplitude not only building over time between baseline and posttest epochs but also on a trial-to-trial basis during the adaptation epoch. Similarly to results observed in
Experiments 1 and
2, there was a positive correlation between retinal offset on the previous trial (Trial t−1) and the amplitude change on the current trial (Trial t). The slope of the correlation was 0.38 [0.32–0.44].
Figure 10a shows bootstrapped means and 95% confidence intervals: The correlation was highest between the amplitude change on the current trial and the retinal offset on the previous trial (Trial t−1), (r = 0.39 [0.34-0.43]). The correlation was significant for Trial t−1 (and, as before, artifactual for Trial t), but not for any other trials, suggesting that adaptation is a one-trial phenomenon. To further test whether adaptation did indeed occur within one trial, the correlation between amplitude change and mean retinal offset for windows of previous trials of different sizes was calculated.
Figure 10b shows the correlation when taking the mean retinal offset from 1 to 50 previous trials into account. The correlation decreases rapidly when taking more than one previous trial into account. A final analysis checked for cumulative effects. Retinal offsets that systematically indicate that saccade amplitude was too small or too large may lead to greater single-trial adaptation. In other words, when the subject has experienced several undershooting saccades in a row (negative retinal offsets), amplitude-increasing adaptation in response to another undershoot (negative retinal offset) might be bigger relative to amplitude-increasing adaptation in response to an undershoot that is not preceded by several undershooting trials. To test this hypothesis, the proportion of previous positive or negative retinal offsets in past trials was calculated for each trial.
Figure 10c shows the per trial amplitude change for increasing proportions of same-direction retinal offsets in windows of 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 trials in the past. Cumulative effects would appear as cold to hot colors from left to right; no such effects can be seen.
Experiment 3 confirms the effect of previous trial retinal offset on saccade amplitude of the observed in the
Experiments 1 and
2. The goal of
Experiment 3 was to take this analysis a step further by examining whether all retinal errors were as good at driving subsequent amplitude changes. To do so, per trial amplitude change was measured for retinal offsets of different sizes. For each subject and target eccentricity, the mean amplitude change for 0.5° bins of previous retinal offset was calculated.
Figure 11 presents the results. Per trial amplitude change was best for small or intermediate retinal offsets, and dropped off for larger offsets. The influence of a given retinal offset on subsequent saccade amplitude depended on eccentricity: The larger the eccentricity, the more the subsequent saccade was influenced by that offset. This was the case when the retinal offset was considered as an absolute value, and when it was considered a proportion of the initial saccade amplitude (i.e., gain). The responsiveness of the saccadic system to retinal offsets is not constant for a given proportional error; rather, as saccade amplitude increases, so does responsiveness to error. Take for example a retinal offset of −2° (the saccade overshot the target). For all eccentricities, this retinal offset led to a decrease in amplitude on the next trial, of −0.16° for the 5° eccentricity, −0.31° for the 10° eccentricity, and −1.16° for the 20° eccentricity. A retinal offset of 0 (the postsaccadic target was exactly on the fovea) also led to different amounts of adaptation for different eccentricities: a 0.33° increase in amplitude for 5°, no change for 10° (0.14°, not significantly different from 0), and a −0.38° decrease for 20°. The point at which per trial amplitude change switches from amplitude-decreasing to amplitude-increasing depends on eccentricity and is not necessarily zero: approximately −1°, −0.5°, and 0.5° (for 5°, 10°, and 20° respectively). For the 5° eccentricity, small negative offsets (saccade overshoots) did not lead to subsequent amplitude changes. Zero retinal offset (the eye landed exactly on the target) led to small increases of subsequent amplitude. For the 10° eccentricity, small negative or zero offsets did not lead to subsequent amplitude changes. For the 20° eccentricity, small positive offsets (saccade undershoots) did not lead to subsequent amplitude changes. Zero retinal offset led to amplitude-decreasing adaptation. The switch from amplitude-decreasing to amplitude-increasing may be related to the predicted landing position during the baseline epoch. Indeed, if the saccadic system aims for a particular landing position which is not necessarily the target itself, saccadic adaptation should maintain this nonzero goal, which should be the retinal offset at which the switch occurs. To test this hypothesis, the individual saccade landing site distributions were fit with Gaussians. The switch from amplitude-decreasing to amplitude-increasing may have occurred around the mean baseline landing site. Converted into mean retinal offset, baseline landing sites are 0.02° ± 0.26°, 0.4° ± 0.41° and 0.86 ± 0.56° (for 5°, 10°, and 20° eccentricities respectively): Saccades tended to undershoot. The switch (−1°, −0.5°, and 0.5° for 5°, 10°, and 20° respectively) therefore occurred to the left of the predicted retinal offset. Although the quality of the data may not be sufficient to fully support this claim, such a result would be expected if the efference copy of the saccade were slightly smaller than the saccade.