Wong and Levi (
2005) found steeper summation functions than we did. In particular, for both LM and CM they found the initial slope (from one to two cycles) to be −1. They attributed this to linear summation within a receptive field, but this is questionable. A slope of −1 would occur only if the limiting noise were constant (see Meese,
2010). While this is true for their full-field external noise, the implication is that the same detecting mechanism was used when the number of stimulus cycles was doubled from one to two cycles (thereby doubling the integral of signal contrast but with no concomitant increase in noise). In the blocked experimental design used by Wong and Levi (
2005) (and us) this seems unlikely, particularly for LM, since most estimates put the receptive field of the detecting mechanism at something less than two full cycles (e.g., see Meese,
2010; Meese & Summers,
2012). If, on the other hand, the stimuli were detected by mechanisms whose spatial extent matched the targets, then the summation slope would be −1/2, consistent with this ideal strategy (and the initial slopes of our own summation functions). So why might Wong and Levi's summation slope have been so steep? One possible factor is that, unlike in our study, Wong and Levi provided no indication of the precise location and size of the target stimulus. Thus, for their smallest stimulus sizes, we might expect a drop in their measured sensitivity (and therefore a steeper summation function) owing to (spatial) uncertainty (Pelli,
1985; Meese & Summers,
2012). But this still leaves the question of why the summation functions measured by us should be so much shallower for CM than for LM. At first glance, it might seem that summation for CM is not as extensive as it is for LM, but if that had been so, then we would not have found the strong benefit of filling in the holes in the Swiss cheese stimulus. Similarly, although the shallow summation functions might be explained by a rapidly accelerating contrast response exponent for CM (
p ≫ 2), that would not be consistent with the results and modeling in Experiment 2. As we mentioned in the
Results and discussion section, a more likely account of the shallow CM functions relates to the decline in sensitivity to our carrier away from the center of the display. We used high-pass noise to avoid within channel effects of noise masking of the target from the carrier. However, by doing this, sensitivity to our carrier would have declined quite rapidly with eccentricity (Baldwin et al.,
2012), attenuating the effective depth of signal modulation in the periphery, reducing sensitivity, and thereby the summation slope. Furthermore, filling in the holes of the Swiss cheese would not suffer from this problem because that operation does not involve further encroachment of peripheral retina (note that the check modulations were in sine-phase with the center of the display). Nonetheless, regardless of these details and the differences in stimulus design, it is gratifying that one of the main conclusions of Wong and Levi (
2005) is the same as one of ours: that second-order (CM) signals are summed over multiple signal cycles, similar to first-order signals (LM).