Fully characterizing and understanding this complex response in space and time is not the main goal of this study, because the approach introduced here has other strengths than providing precise information about the timing of face-selective processes. Moreover, the localization of brain processes from scalp EEG (or magnetoencephalography [MEG], for that matter) is seriously limited. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, such a complex spatiotemporal face-selective response has never been described before. Rather, standard ERP studies of face and object categorization—i.e., studies that compare the change of EEG activity to transient presentations of faces and nonface stimuli—have consistently identified a single ERP component that arises during the 130–200-ms time window and shows a larger response to faces: the N170 (Bentin et al.,
1996; see Rossion & Jacques,
2011, for a review) and its positive counterpart on the vertex, the vertex positive potential (Jeffreys,
1996; Joyce & Rossion,
2005). Inconsistent differences between faces and objects on earlier components such as the P1 in EEG (Eimer,
1998; Itier & Taylor,
2004; Rossion & Caharel,
2011) or the M1 in MEG (e.g., Halgren, Raij, Marinkovic, Josmäki, & Hari,
2000; Liu, Harris, & Kanwisher,
2002; Okazaki, Abrahamyan, Stevens, & Ioannides,
2008) have been attributed to low-level visual cues such as amplitude spectrum or color (Halgren et al.,
2000; Rossion & Caharel,
2011). Post-N170 components have also been observed, such as the N250, a component which is triggered essentially by familiar faces (e.g., Tanaka, Curran, Porterfield, & Collins,
2006; Kaufmann, Schweinberger, & Burton,
2009; Gosling & Eimer,
2011) and which is enhanced by the repetition of familiar faces more than unfamiliar faces (N250r; Schweinberger, Pickering, Jentzsch, Burton, & Kaufmann,
2002; Schweinberger, Huddy, & Burton,
2004). However, this N250r response is dependent on immediate exemplar repetition or long-term face representations, and its specificity to faces is not well established (although see Schweinberger et al.,
2004; Nasr & Esteky,
2009). Moreover, in transient ERP studies, later components such as the N250r often overlap with eye movements or decisional or motor processes, making it difficult to isolate face-selective responses at these latencies (Rossion,
2014a). Here, not only did such decisional and motor processes occur very rarely during a stimulation sequence (i.e., when participants detected a change of color of the fixation cross), but their contribution is inevitably eliminated by the analysis, which reveals only the electrophysiological correlate processes that are time-locked to the periodic face presentation. Hence, we were able to disclose multiple novel face-selective responses on the human scalp that we tentatively labeled P1-faces, N1-faces, and P2-faces.