There were 198 movie clip pairs (see below), and they were presented once each to each of seven observers. In addition, a standard movie pair, described below, was presented after every ten test-trials; the perceived magnitude difference of this pair was deemed to be “20.” Observers were instructed to rate how different pairs of movies appeared to them. They were asked to base their ratings on their overall general visual experience and were not given any specific instructions on what aspects of the videos (e.g., spatial, temporal, and/or spatio-temporal) they should rely on. They were told that if they perceived the difference between a test movie pair to be less, equal, or greater than the standard pair, their rating should obviously be less, equal, or greater than 20, respectively. They were to use a ratio scale so that, if for instance a given movie pair seemed to have a difference twice as great as that of the standard pair, they would assign a value twice as large to that pair (i.e., 40). No upper limit was set, so that observers could rate large differences as highly as they saw fit. Observers were also told that sometimes movie pairs might be identical, in which case, they should set the rating to zero (in fact, all the movie pairs did differ to some extent).
Before an experiment, each observer underwent a training session when they were asked to rate 50 pairs of movie clips containing various types of differences that could be presented to them later on in the experiment. All movie clips (apart from the standard movie pair) used in demonstration or training phases were made from three original movies that were different from the seven used in the testing phase proper.
The testing phase was divided into three blocks of 66 image pairs. Each block lasted about 15 min and started with the presentation of the standard movie pair, which was subsequently presented after every 10 trials to remind the observers of the standard difference of 20. The image presentation sequence was randomized differently for each observer.