A great deal is known about the capacity of visual short-term memory (VSTM), i.e., the number of items that can be stored; for a review, see Ma, Husain, and Bays (
2014). However, relatively little is known about how information is consolidated from sensory memory into VSTM, i.e., the formation of VSTM representations. Sensory memory is characterized as high capacity memory whose contents decay within a few hundred milliseconds (Sperling,
1963), whereas VSTM has a considerably lower capacity which is more sustainable (Cowan,
2001). A number of studies have examined the time course of this consolidation, and determined that the transfer of information from sensory to VSTM takes around 50 ms per simple item (Jolicoeur & Dell'Acqua,
1998; Vogel, Woodman, & Luck,
2006). Importantly, these studies do not attempt to discriminate between serial and parallel models of consolidation, noting that both could account for the data. While items could be processed serially, each taking 50 ms, multiple items might be processed in parallel, together requiring a longer total duration. Given the importance of the mechanism that transfers information from sensory memory to VSTM, understanding the nature of this process, i.e., whether information can be consolidated in parallel, is essential to a complete understanding of memory processes.
Recently, a number of studies have addressed this question. Huang, Treisman, and Pashler (
2007) used a task where observers were shown simple items (colored squares), either serially or simultaneously and then asked to respond whether a probed color was present. As matching performance was worse in the simultaneous condition even when only two items were presented, the authors concluded that consolidation occurs serially. However, Mance, Becker, and Liu (
2012) argue that a number of presentation contingences in these experiments, i.e., certain pairs of items consistently being presented in the same locations, led Huang et al. (
2007) to underestimate participants' capacity to consolidate items in parallel. Their results supported this, indicating that these presentation contingencies had selectively handicapped performance in the simultaneous condition. In conditions where the contingencies were removed, observers were capable of performing the simultaneous task with the same accuracy as the serial task with two, and possibly three, items. To account for these results, the researchers proposed that parallel consolidation is possible but may be limited to two items.
Becker, Miller, and Liu (
2013) extended this work by using a similar paradigm to investigate whether orientation information can be consolidated in parallel. Over a series of experiments they consistently found better performance when two items were presented serially compared to simultaneously, leading them to conclude that orientation information, unlike color information, cannot be processed in parallel. The notion that such marked differences exist between categories in the capacity to process simple information is unexpected. Initially the researchers proposed the difference between the perceptual spaces of the two types of information, i.e., color and orientation, may account for the findings. That is, while color has a rich space, varying in hue, saturation, and luminance, orientation has a relatively poor space, only varying along a single dimension. They argued that this difference may have led to greater interference between feature intervals used to define items within the orientation dimension than those used within color as a result of the proximity of these items in their corresponding perceptual spaces.
In a follow-up study, Miller, Becker, and Liu (
2014) demonstrated that a combination of color and orientation information could not be consolidated in parallel, which the authors interpreted as suggesting that the inability to consolidate orientation information in parallel may not be due to interference within a small perceptual space. However, the unknown impact of using features from within different dimensions makes it difficult to compare these results with previous studies involving only a single feature type. Some evidence for a shared mechanism was found for the consolidation of color and orientation, and to account for the difference in the capacity of this mechanism to consolidate these two features, the authors proposed that while only a small information bandwidth is required to encode color, the information bandwidth required to encode orientation is too large for the system to consolidate in parallel.
Thus, currently the answer to the question posed previously regarding the debate between parallel and serial consolidation is not a simple yes or no, but appears to be contingent upon the type of information being consolidated, e.g., color or orientation. Given the importance of this question, if the nature of the consolidation process does vary between serial and parallel as a function of the type of information being processed, it is of interest to determine how other types of basic information are consolidated. Determining this is not only useful in isolation, but will ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the nature of information processing in memory consolidation.
One type of information that would be a good candidate for parallel consolidation is motion direction. Previous studies have investigated simultaneous processing with global motion signals defined by direction, presented in the same spatial region (transparent motion) or in different spatial regions (Edwards & Greenwood,
2005; Greenwood & Edwards,
2009; Qian, Andersen, & Adelson,
1994). Over a number of studies, the researchers consistently found that observers were capable of making
n versus
n + 1 motion signal discriminations with up to
n = 3 signals. The researchers interpreted these findings as indicating a higher order limit restricting the simultaneous processing of motion to three directions. More recently, this research has been extended by the demonstration that during brief presentations of multiple spatially localized motion signals, observers are capable of extracting direction information from up to three items (Edwards & Rideaux,
2013; Rideaux & Edwards,
Importantly however, none of these motion studies explicitly differentiated between rapid serial and parallel accounts of consolidation; due to the length of presentation durations in these studies, it is impossible to discriminate between these accounts. Given the similarity between orientation and motion direction information (Clifford,
2002), it is likely that the factors preventing parallel consolidation of orientation information proposed by Becker et al. (
2013) may also apply to direction. For instance, while the range of possible directions is twice the size of possible orientations, i.e., 360° as opposed to 180°, the perceptual space appears to be equivalent. Adaptation studies show that the tuning bandwidths for motion direction are twice that for orientation (Albright,
1984; Britten & Newsome,
1998; McAdams & Maunsell,
1999), and the threshold orientation required for discrimination of motion direction is about twice the size of that needed for orientation (De Bruyn & Orban,
1988; Webster, De Valois, & Switkes,
1990). Thus, if interference resulting from proximal intervals within a small perceptual space does account for the inability to consolidate in parallel, we would expect to find the same results using motion direction, even though it has a larger physical range. Additionally, it is conceivable that the size of the information bandwidth required to encode direction, like orientation, is larger than needed for color, as information must be pooled over space and time. Thus, if the ability to consolidate in parallel is related to the size of the information bandwidth required to process a given feature, it is likely that parallel consolidation of motion direction will not be possible.
In summary, in the light of recent findings indicating that the capacity to consolidate information into VSTM varies as a function of the type of information encoded, we set out to determine whether motion direction information is capable of being consolidated in parallel. To the best of our knowledge this will not only be the first test of whether motion direction can be consolidated in parallel, but the first test of this kind with a dynamic feature, i.e., motion.