For small sets of items, typically comprising four or less, our ability to estimate number is very fast and highly accurate. As the number of items increases beyond this range, response latency increases, and accuracy decreases. This performance dichotomy between small and large numbers is often theorized to reflect distinct processes: subitizing for the former and counting for the latter (Kaufman & Lord,
1949; Piazza, Mechelli, Butterworth, & Price,
2002; Piazza, Pinel, Le Bihan, & Dehaene,
2007; Sawamura, Shima, & Tanji,
2002; Simon & Vaishnavi,
1996). However, under conditions where a counting strategy is ineffective, such as for short presentation times or for large numbers, judgments of number can still be made, suggesting that under these circumstances, another process is in play (Allik & Tuulmets,
1991; Allik, Tuulmets, & Vos,
1991; He, Zhang, Zhou, & Chen,
2009; Ross,
2003). A considerable amount of research has been focused on elucidating the mechanisms underpinning this skill. A fundamental question here is whether this ability is underpinned by the calculation of number (Burr & Ross,
2008b; Ross & Burr,
2010) or density (Dakin, Tibber, Greenwood, Kingdom, & Morgan,
2011; Durgin & Huk,
1997; Tibber, Greenwood, & Dakin,
2012). Indeed, much of the recent work in this field has focused on determining if in fact those are separable dimensions or whether one arises out of the other (e.g., Anobile, Cicchini, & Burr,
2014; Arrighi, Togoli, & Burr,
2014; Burr & Ross,
2008a; Dakin et al.,
2011; Durgin,
2008). The current study is not aimed at resolving that debate; instead we ask a fundamental question that is important for understanding either process: Is the calculation of number or density made with respect to area only, or is the volume also important in such calculations? This question is especially pertinent in light of recent reports that our sense of density and of number is biased by the area subtended by a given stimulus (Dakin et al.,
2011; Tibber et al.,
2012). In this communication we ask whether such biases extend to three-dimensional (3-D) volumes.