Across 5 days, subjects performed two kinds of randomly interleaved trials (see
Materials and methods). In the estimation trials subjects estimated the location of a hidden coin. In the 2AFC trials subjects had to decide which of two coins was farther to the right. To guess the coins' locations, subjects were shown splashes (a likelihood) indicating where the coin landed (see
Figure 2). Half the trials had a wide splash (providing poor evidence) and half the trials had a narrow splash. Similarly, the hidden coins were drawn from two distributions (the priors), one wide and the other narrow. Thus, on each day subjects were exposed to four conditions: hidden coins drawn from two priors (wide or narrow; WP or NP, respectively) with two likelihoods (wide or narrow; WL or NL, respectively). The four conditions were abbreviated as WP-WL, WP-NL, NP-WL, and NP-NL. Using these four conditions, we could monitor a subject's subjective prior while simultaneously measuring their JND. By combining these results, we could quantify the relation between prior uncertainty and JND.
During the estimation trials we measured two important variables: the mean of the subjects' prior and the linear relationship between the splash and the subject's estimated coin location, which we refer to as the reliance on the likelihood (relative to the prior). The reliance on the likelihood is an indirect measurement of the variance of a subject's prior (Kording & Wolpert,
2004; Berniker et al.,
2010; Vilares et al.,
2012). With these variables we could monitor both the mean and the variance of each subject's subjective prior.
The true mean of the experimentally defined prior of the hidden coins (i.e., the middle of the screen) was the same for each day and condition. Typical subject means were very accurate and not significantly different from the correct mean,
t(135) = 1.04,
p = 0.3 (see
Figure 3B for example subject). Pooling each subject's data across days, we found differences across subjects,
F(6, 18) = 3.26,
p = 0.02, but not conditions,
F(3, 18) = 0.06,
p = 0.97 (two-way analysis of variance, or ANOVA). This suggested that overall the subjects learned the correct, condition-independent, experimentally defined mean.
For subjects to accurately estimate the hidden coin's location, they required an accurate estimate of the prior's variability. Therefore, we examined the reliance on the likelihood (see
Figure 3C for example subject). Using only the first 250 trials of the first day, we found significant differences across experimental priors,
F(1, 19) = 108.1,
p < 0.01, and likelihoods,
F(1, 19) = 21.74,
p < 0.01, but not subjects,
F(1, 19) = 0.874,
p = 0.53. This suggested that all subjects reacted to the four conditions early on, and did so similarly. Examining the reliance on the likelihood across 250-trial bins for the first day, we found that the distance from the optimal slope significantly diminished for the NP-WL condition,
t(26) = −2.44,
pone-sided = 0.01, but not for the other conditions; NP-WL:
t(26) = 2.51,
pone-sided = 0.99; WP-NL:
t(26) = −1.37,
pone-sided = 0.09; WP-WL:
t(26) = −0.78,
pone-sided = 0.22. Overall, these results suggest that subjects' behavior converged quickly and that no significant learning was observable even during the first day.
The analyses determined that subjects learned quickly within the first day, but we also wished to know whether subjects' behavior changed across days. Examining the last 250 trials of each day, we found significant differences across priors, F(1, 123) = 324.8, p < 0.01, likelihoods, F(1, 123) = 91.1, p < 0.01, and subjects, F(6, 123) = 4.42, p < 0.01, but not across days, F(4, 123) = 1.43, p = 0.22. Therefore, subjects' overall responses did differ, but these differences were dominated by the changes across prior and likelihood conditions. Pooling the data across subjects and days, the overall reliance on likelihood was as follows [mean ± SE (optimal), n = 34]: NP-NL: 0.76 ± 0.014 (0.91); NP-WL: 0.47 ± 0.016 (0.39); WP-NL: 0.96 ± 0.007 (0.99); and WP-WL: 0.92 ± 0.006 (0.94). We note here that on the whole, both within and across subjects, these numbers are all statistically distinct from the theoretical optimum. Regardless, we are able to precisely characterize each subject's prior. Furthermore, our analysis demonstrated that across conditions, the subjects had stable priors across days.
We conclude that subjects take into consideration the prior and the likelihood uncertainty when making a decision in the estimation task. Importantly, they learned a different prior for each imposed distribution of coins and we were able to measure this subjective belief. This will allow us to examine whether changes in subjects' priors influenced their JNDs—a critical test for distinguishing the MAP and sampling hypotheses.