We now attempt to discover a function that will describe RGCf density as a function of eccentricity and satisfy the constraints outlined in the
Introduction. For each candidate function, we optimized the several parameters with respect to an error function consisting of the sum of the squared errors between empirical and computed log densities for eccentricities outside the exclusion zone, and the weighted squared log of the ratio of empirical and computed cumulative counts within the exclusion zone (see points in
Figure 3). This ensures a reasonable fit to peripheral RGC densities, and to the cumulative counts. We used log densities in the fit to accommodate the very wide range of densities, and to avoid giving the larger densities undue influence in the fit. We explored a wide range of functions, leading to the best-fitting one described below.
Since the work of Aubert and Foerster (
1857) it has been observed that many measures of visual resolution decline in an approximately linear fashion with eccentricity, at least up to the eccentricity of the blind spot (Strasburger, Rentschler, & Juttner,
2011). Because resolution may depend on receptive field spacing, and since density is proportional to the inverse of spacing squared (see
Appendix 5), this suggests that density might vary with eccentricity as
dgf(0) is the density at
r = 0, and
r2 is the eccentricity at which density is reduced by a factor of four (and spacing is doubled). By itself, this did not provide a good fit, especially at larger eccentricities. However we found that a simple modification, the addition of an exponential, yielded an acceptable fit. The new function is given by
ak is the weighting of the first term, and
re,k is the scale factor of the exponential. The meridian is indicated by the index
k. We have fit this expression separately for each meridian and optimized parameters relative to the error function described above. The results are shown in
Figure 4. For each meridian, we show the average RGC densities reported by Curcio and Allen (
1990), along with the fitted function. The vertical gray line in each figure shows the assumed limit of the displacement zone. Note that only data points outside the displacement zone are used in the fit. The estimated parameters, predicted cell counts, and fitting error are given in
Table 1.
The fits are good for three of the four meridians. Both the peripheral densities and the cumulative counts are in close agreement. The agreement is less good for the inferior meridian, largely due to the unusual distribution of the far peripheral densities. The anomalous bump at around 60° and subsequent rapid decline are difficult to fit with simple analytic functions. For comparison, in
Figure 5 we show the RGCf density formula in the four meridians, replotted from
Figure 4.