We have previously highlighted a potential link between perceived duration distortions and changes in the shape of the temporal impulse response function of magnocellular visual neurons (Johnston,
2014). The temporal impulse response function of a cell describes how the cell responds (i.e., number of spikes per second) to brief pulses of contrast. More specifically, it is a transform to the time domain of the temporal-frequency responsivity of a cell, and therefore it provides a representation of the temporal tuning of that particular neuron. The temporal impulse response to luminance-modulated stimuli sharpens during a saccadic eye movement (Burr & Morrone,
1996), which is associated with apparent duration compression (Morrone, Ross, & Burr,
2005) and magnocellular pathway suppression (Burr, Morrone, & Ross,
1994; Ross, Morrone, Goldberg, & Burr,
2001). There is also some evidence that the impulse response sharpens after high-temporal-frequency adaptation in the wallaby (Clifford, Ibbotson, & Langley,
1997; Ibbotson,
2005; Ibbotson, Clifford, & Mark,
1998). Our group has reported that adaptation to high- but not low-temporal-frequency motion (20 vs. 5 Hz) or flicker induced duration underestimation for a 10-Hz stimulus displayed in the same location as the adaptor for luminance-modulated (Johnston et al.,
2006) but not for isoluminant chromaticity-modulated stimuli that are more likely to selectively activate P-cells (Ayhan et al.,
2011). The temporal impulse response has also been shown to sharpen at high contrast (Stromeyer & Martini,
2003) and, in primates, as a consequence of contrast gain control in M-cells (Benardete & Kaplan,
1999; Kaplan & Benardete,
2001). Bruno and Johnston (
2010) have reported perceived duration compression after fast luminance but not chromatic contrast adaptation. Finally, the temporal impulse response lengthens at low luminance (Kelly,
1961; Peterson, Ohzawa, & Freeman,
2001; Takeuchi & De Valois,
2009) and, as a consequence, also induces apparent duration dilation (Bruno et al.,