We used an event-related, continuous carryover fMRI adaptation design to interrogate the representation of color in early visual cortex during both passive viewing (
Experiment 1) and active categorization (
Experiment 2) of color stimuli. We defined an additional ROI in the MFG, based on a report of categorical encoding of color in this region (Bird et al.,
2014). We simultaneously modeled the direct effect of stimulus hue and the sequential effect of hue change along with the effect of hue changes that differentially cross the blue–green categorical boundary established by our psychophysical measurements. We emphasize that such simultaneous modeling is necessary to disentangle the separate contributions of direct, sequential, and categorical effects on the data represented by the measured response matrix.
Our results from both experiments demonstrate in visual cortex a smoothly increasing recovery from adaptation with increasing hue distance between adjacent stimuli. This effect is present within area V1 but grows in amplitude and reliability through V2/V3 and into area hV4. In whole-brain maps, the effect is notably localized to early extrastriate visual cortex, extending slightly beyond area hV4 into the ventral occipital cortex. Prior studies have used fMRI adaptation to demonstrate the presence of color representation within early visual cortex (Engel,
2005; Engel & Furmanski,
2001). To our knowledge, our measurements represent the first demonstration that fMRI adaptation may be used to probe the parametric form of the neural representation of color.
Our stimuli varied along the dimension of Munsell hue. This choice was motivated by the fact that subjects can readily use color terms to categorize stimuli that vary in this manner. We focused on stimuli in the green–blue hue range but could have chosen other regions of the hue circle that are also easily divided into two color categories (e.g., blue–purple, orange–yellow). We have no reason to believe that the qualitative features of our results would fail to generalize to other regions of the hue circle, but we have not investigated this question. In addition, we note that varying hue is not the only way to parametrically change the color appearance of stimuli. It would certainly be possible to construct alternative stimulus sets (e.g., one in which Munsell chroma or value was varied and hue was held constant). For such stimuli, the change in appearance is unlikely to be well described using basic color terms. There is no guarantee that the qualitative patterns of fMRI BOLD direct and adaptation effects we observed would be seen for such stimulus sets. For example, varying Munsell chroma might well have a large direct effect on the measured response, as this will change the salience of the stimuli relative to the background.
The color-tuning properties of neurons in the early visual cortex have been well studied (for reviews see Conway,
2014; Gegenfurtner,
2003; Shapley & Hawken,
2011; Solomon & Lennie,
2007). Relating this literature to our results is complicated by the heterogeneity of findings across laboratories (Shapley & Hawken,
2011), by the fact that single units combine signals from cones nonlinearly (Horwitz & Hass,
2012; Solomon, Peirce, & Lennie,
2004), and by the fact that the response of individual neurons depends on the spatial and temporal structure of the stimulus (Shapley & Hawken,
2011; Solomon & Lennie,
2007). Broadly speaking, at least some individual neurons in early visual cortex tend to respond selectively to a small range of hues when other stimulus features are held fixed, making plausible the notion that hue could be represented by a population code (Wachtler, Sejnowski, & Albrecht,
2003). Our results are consistent with such a representation: As the hue distance between stimuli increases, the number of neurons driven strongly by the two stimuli would be expected to decrease, and thus we would expect a falloff in the adaptation effect of the sort we observe. Our stimulus set, however, was not designed to probe the dependence of fMRI adaptation on variation in all three dimensions of color space, and thus our data do not place strong constraints on the nature of the underlying neural code.
Our measurements were made using a particular timing of presentation of stimuli. Cortical visual areas may differ in their sensitivity to adaptation at different time scales. Therefore, more rapid or slow presentations of our stimuli might produce a different pattern of recovery from adaptation across visual areas. In future studies, varying the timing of stimulus presentation might be used to examine the differential sensitivity of cortex to the temporal integration of visual information. These measurements may also be linked to perceptual manipulations of stimulus discriminability and similarity.
We did not find in visual cortex a difference in recovery of adaptation for hue changes that did or did not cross the blue–green categorical boundary. This was true during both passive viewing and active categorization. Such an effect has been observed in the extrastriate cortex for stimuli consisting of shapes that spanned a learned categorical boundary (Folstein et al.,
2013). Our results support the view that the categorical representation of color emerges in areas beyond hV4. We also note that, had we obtained a significant categorical effect, additional controls would have been necessary to rule out the possibility that the cause of the effect was inadvertent irregular perceptual spacing of the stimuli. Although our stimuli were chosen from a nominally perceptually uniform space, such spaces are well known to only approximate their design goal of perceptual uniformity (Brainard,
Bird et al. (
2014) reported a categorical fMRI adaptation effect in the bilateral MFG under conditions in which subjects performed an attention task not related to the color of the stimuli. In contrast, we did not find a categorical representation of color in this brain region in either
Experiment 1 or
Experiment 2. We considered the possibility that we missed the categorical effect that they reported because of imperfect alignment of brain regions across studies. In an exploratory whole-brain analysis of the data from
Experiment 2, we did find significant loading on the categorical covariate in three frontal clusters. While this would seem to support the broad conclusion drawn by Bird et al. (
2014), we regard both our finding and that of Bird et al. as quite tentative because the regions in both studies were discovered using a whole-brain analysis conducted with a relatively small number of subjects, for which cluster control of the map-wise false positive rate is notoriously suspect (Woo, Krishnan, & Wager,
An important difference between our study and that of Bird et al. (
2014) is the sequencing of presented stimuli. In our study, subjects viewed a continuous stream of counterbalanced stimuli that had minimal discernable temporal structure. The design of Bird et al. had subjects view approximately 10-s blocks of pairs of alternating color stimuli. Across blocks, the pairs either differed or matched in categorical color name assignment. A feature of this design is that categorical transitions were explicitly grouped in the stimulus sequence. Thus, for example, subject awareness of this grouping could be responsible for an MFG response, in keeping with other studies that have generally found responses in this area to explicit categorical manipulations (e.g., Myers & Swan,
2012). As Bird et al. did not find a main effect response to the color stimuli in their frontal region (replicated in our study), we suspect that any categorical response in this region (if replicated) is domain general and not specific to color representation.
It is possible that a categorical representation of color labels is present in portions of the temporal lobes that were imperfectly imaged in this study. Patients with semantic dementia (a progressive neurodegenerative disorder associated with atrophy of the anterior temporal lobe) have general impairments in the representation of categories of semantic information. Within the domain of color, these patients exhibit impairments in color naming despite preserved ability to discriminate color (Rogers, Graham, & Patterson,
2015; Rogers, Patterson, & Graham,
2007). As the anterior temporal lobes are poorly imaged using echoplanar fMRI due to susceptibility artifacts, it is possible that a categorical response to our stimuli was present but unmeasured in this brain region.
In contrast to the absence of categorical adaptation effects, we did observe an increased direct BOLD fMRI response to stimuli from the midpoint of the hue range, near the categorical boundary. This was observed in hV4 in
Experiment 1 and in all visual areas in
Experiment 2. The form of this effect is reminiscent of the form of the dependence of response time on hue (compare
Figures 7a and
9a with
Figure 2c). The enhanced direct response to midpoint stimuli in hV4 may be indicative of a categorization process developing at this cortical level. Brouwer and Heeger (
2013) used multivoxel pattern analysis to derive the structure of the neural representation of color. In hV4 and VO1, they observed an increased categorical clustering when subjects actively categorized the stimuli. They offered a model of this effect that posited differential task-dependent gains for stimuli at the center and edges of color categories—an idea that has some support from single unit studies in awake, behaving monkeys (Koida & Komatsu,
2007). Our data are consistent with such a differential gain change, but in our case the increased gain is for the stimuli near the category boundary.
In summary, there is a smooth, parametric relationship between the perceptual dissimilarity of hue pairs and the magnitude of fMRI signal evoked by the transitions between them. The neural similarities that we measured using fMRI sequential adaptation suggest that the representation of color in the visual cortex is fine grained and that color categories do not intrude on this representation. The change in the dependence of direct effect on stimulus hue, however, leaves open the possibility that response gain changes that accompany a color-categorization task may be manifest in these same visual areas.