The results of
Experiment 3 are shown in
Figure 4. First, we investigated response times on recognition trials. For each subexperiment we compared expected, neutral, and unexpected trials. This analysis indicated that in all cases participants responded fastest on expected trials, and slowest on unexpected trials, indicating that in all subexperiments the cues were successfully processed (for all three cue types, one-way ANOVA with expectation as factor [expected, neutral, and unexpected] and response times as dependent variable:
Fs > 13.5,
ps < 0.001,
η2s > 0.23).
Next we asked in each subexperiment, whether expectation affected response times on breakthrough trials. This analysis revealed that both predictive word and predictive symbol cues significantly affected response times (one-way ANOVA with expectation [expected, neutral, or unexpected]) as factor: predictive word: F(2, 74) = 17.28, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.32; predictive symbol: F(2, 68) = 5.91, p = 0.004, η2 = 0.15; but unpredictive word cues did not: F(2, 88) = 1.79, p = 0.17, η2 = 0.04. For both predictive cues (word and symbol), expected stimuli led to faster responses than unexpected stimuli: predictive word: t(37) = 4.71, p < 0.001, Cohen's d = 1.55; predictive symbol: t(34) = 2.9, p = 0.007, Cohen's d = 0.99. For breakthrough trials, we performed a between-subjects comparison for the expectation benefit for the three different cue types. First, we calculated the ANOVA with between-subjects factor cue type (predictive word, predictive symbol, or unpredictive word) and within-subjects factor expectation (expected, neutral, or unexpected). This revealed a significant interaction, F(4, 230) = 4.13, p = 0.003, η2 = 0.07, showing that the type of cue mattered for the effects of expectation. Second, we calculated the expectation benefit for each cue type and analyzed whether these were significantly different. This analysis showed that the expectation benefit was significantly larger for predictive words than for unpredictive words, t(37) = 3.49, p < 0.001, Cohen's d = 1.15. However, no other significant differences in expectation benefit were found (other ts < 1.6, ps > 0.12).
Finally, as in
Experiments 1 and
2, we compared misses and false alarms following predictive and neutral cues. For all three cue types (predictive words, predictive symbols, and unpredictive words), this revealed no significant differences between misses and false alarms after a predictive or a neutral cue (average misses, predictive cue: 3.2%, neutral: 3%,
ts < 1.6 ,
ps > 0.12,
ds < 0.46; average false alarms, predictive cue: 5%, neutral: 5.2%,
ts < 1.1,
ps > 0.31,
ds < 0.32).
Summarizing, the analysis of recognition trials revealed that in all subexperiments, participants processed the cues. Importantly, only predictive cues (predictive word or predictive symbol) accelerated response to expected stimuli on breakthrough trials, but unpredictive, associative word cues did not. This indicates that the main factors driving the expectation benefit are not pre-existing associations (in this case between a word and an image), but statistically reliable relations.
Altogether, the results of
Experiments 1,
2, and
3 suggest that valid expectations accelerate conscious access. However, the data so far have not excluded that our results are caused by the same mechanisms that influence the timing of subjective appearance of stimuli at attended locations. Specifically, attended stimuli can seem to appear before unattended stimuli, even when both stimuli physically appear at the same time (Carrasco & McElree,
2001; Spence & Parise,
2010). To investigate whether a similar effect could account for our results, we performed
Experiment 4.