The idea of an extended (called nonclassical or extraclassical today) RF was not new. Kuffler (
1953, p. 45) already wrote, “… not only the areas from which responses can actually be set up by retinal illumination may be included in a definition of the receptive field but also all areas which show a functional connection, by an inhibitory or excitatory effect on a ganglion cell. This may well involve areas which are somewhat remote from a ganglion cell and by themselves do not set up discharges.” The first evidence for a distant modulation of a neuron came from McIlwain (
1964), who demonstrated in the cat that a moving stimulus in the far periphery of the RF enhanced the response to a stimulus localized within the RF, i.e., the
periphery effect. Next Blakemore, Carpenter, and Georgeson (
1970) and Blackmore and Tobin (
1972) in the cat showed that lines of different orientation interacted antagonistically, suggesting mutual inhibition between neighboring cortical columns. In a follow-up paper, Rose and Blakemore (
1974) targeted a specific inhibitory neurotransmitter (bicuculline) to account for this effect. Thereafter, Fischer and Krüger (
1974) in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) demonstrated that a grating jerk in the far surround of an RF produced a brisk neuronal excitation in the center, i.e., the shift effect. This discovery was followed by reports in the cat cortex of an unresponsive or silent surround (Maffei & Fiorentini,
1976) and, more importantly, a region beyond the classical RF, generating interactive effects between coaxial lines (Nelson & Frost,
1978). Yet, von der Heydt, Peterhans, and Baumgartner (
1984) were the first to find neurons in V2 of the monkey cortex that responded to an “incomplete” bar as if receiving input from outside the classical RF. The authors interpreted this response as a mechanism designed to bridge a gap in a discontinuous contour (see also Peterhans, von der Heydt, & Baumgartner,