Accurate representation of local contour orientation in the visual system is thought to be crucial for everyday object and scene perception (Biederman,
1987; Marr,
1982). Driven by this notion, the neurophysiological (Hubel & Wiesel,
1968; Somers, Nelson, & Sur,
1995) and psychophysical (Graham,
1989) bases of both detecting and encoding orientation information have been widely investigated, and the results have become fundamental components of present-day theories of vision. According to the prevalent view, spatial vision in both humans and animals is based on the outputs of local sensors that encode the orientation of small regions of visual space (Campbell & Kulikowski,
1966). Therefore, traditional investigations of orientation coding in humans have been conducted with lines or Gabor-patches in simple orientation discrimination tasks (Field & Tolhurst,
1986). These studies have established that for an isolated individual line element, the visual system is sensitive to differences in orientation of approximately 1° (Orban, Vandenbussche, & Vogels,
1984; Regan & Beverley,
1985). Setting the stage for computational models of visual processing (Fukushima,
1980; Riesenhuber & Poggio,
1999; Serre, Oliva, & Poggio,
2007), the assumption based on these studies has been that orientation information at this fixed, high precision is used and accessible during the perception of more complex visual forms and shapes. However, it is not clear how these results generalize to everyday processing of orientation information in natural scenes, where stimuli are typically of much higher complexity and must be recognized across many different viewing angles and projections. Indeed, both psychophysical (Adelson,
1993; Parkes, Lund, Angelucci, Solomon, & Morgan,
2001) and physiological (Ringach, Hawken, & Shapley,
1997) data show that for more complex stimuli, human behavioral as well as neural responses to various visual attributes are strikingly different from those measured with simple stimuli. Furthermore, typical effects found under threshold conditions seem not to hold under suprathreshold conditions (Fiser, Bex, & Makous,
2003). Thus, in order to properly assess the precision of human orientation coding during everyday vision and under suprathreshold conditions, a systematic quantitative measure of orientation sensitivity is needed with stimuli that more closely approximate the complexity of natural visual inputs.