We calculated
d′ and
c from the response data (Macmillan & Creelman,
2005). A correct “decrease” response was denoted as a “hit,” and an incorrect “decrease” response was denoted as a “false alarm.” In the present study,
d′ measured the participants' sensitivity to variability information, and
c measured the shift of the response criterion. A larger
d′ indicates higher sensitivity, and a positive
c indicates a bias toward underestimation.
As shown in the left panel of
Figure 4, stable mean values between trials enabled the participants to perform with higher sensitivity in stable between-trials conditions as indicated by a larger
d′. The effect of within-trial mean stability on the variability judgment task was less significant. Repeated measures ANOVA on
d′ confirmed the above observations with a significant main effect of between-trials mean stability (1.75 vs. 1.51),
F(1, 14) = 13.34,
p = 0.003,
η2p = 0.49, and an insignificant main effect of within-trial mean stability (1.64 vs. 1.61),
F(1, 14) = 0.29,
p = 0.595,
η2p = 0.02. The interaction of the two factors was insignificant,
F(1, 14) = 0.373,
p = 0.551,
η2p = 0.03.
c exhibited a different pattern from that of
d′. The right panel of
Figure 4 shows that the two blocks with stable within-trial contexts had
c values near zero,
ts(14) = −0.044, 0.41,
ps = 0.965, 0.688, thus indicating no bias for either response whereas the two blocks with unstable within-trial mean context were biased toward the opposite directions as determined by the stability of the between-trials mean context. For unstable within-trial mean context, one sample
t test from zero indicated that a stable between-trial context led the participants to underestimate the variability,
t(14) = 2.62,
p = 0.02, whereas an unstable between-trials context led the participants to overestimate the variability,
t(14) = −2.15,
p = 0.049. Repeated measures ANOVA on
c confirmed the above observations with a significant main effect of between-trials mean stability,
F(1, 14) = 8.93,
p = 0.01,
η2p = 0.49, and an insignificant effect of within-trial mean stability,
F(1, 14) = 0.58,
p = 0.46,
η2p = 0.04. The interaction of the two factors was also significant,
F(1, 14) = 13.51,
p = 0.002,
η2p = 0.49. A simple effect analysis showed that the biases of stable and unstable between-trials contexts were comparable for the stable within-trial condition,
F(1, 14) = 0.26,
p = 0.617,
η2p = 0.02, but differed from one another for the unstable within-trial condition,
F(1, 14) = 39.03,
p < 0.001,
η2p = 0.74.
The sensitivity was lower in the context of varying mean values between trials. This effect may reflect the additional cognitive load from the continuously changing mean contexts. Although the mean values were task-irrelevant in our experiment, their stability nevertheless captured attentional resources and influenced the primary task. However, the within-trial stability of mean values had little influence on participants' sensitivity in the variability task. This finding is notable because in most of the trials from the within-trial unstable blocks the participants were required to encode the first image and compare its variability with that of the second image, which had a different mean value. This varying transient mean context was expected to result in greater cognitive load and less sensitivity, but this impairment did not occur. One possible explanation may be that the difference between the two images from the same trial was highly relevant to the task, and participants focused more attentional resources in this transient context as a result. Therefore, they might have been aware of the changing within-trial mean context. Because they understood that mean values are task-irrelevant, they might have intentionally resisted the distortion from the unstable mean context.
Previous studies have suggested that humans tend to underestimate the variability of the visual environment (Kareev, Arnon, & Horwitz-Zeliger,
2002). Our results suggested that underestimation occurred in a “globally stable” although “locally unstable” scenario: We may underestimate variability when context mean values change in a transient manner but when the mean context remains constant over the long term. However, we may also overestimate variability when context mean values change in a “globally unstable” and “locally unstable” scenario. Bauer (
2009) has suggested that observers may overestimate mean size when mean size varies between trials. These results indicated that unstable mean context can bias mean perception as well as variability perception and that the direction of the bias is determined by the interaction between long-term stability and transient mean stability.
As in
Experiment 1, we conducted control analyses of extreme values. Of the total of 576 image pairs, the mean proportions of extreme gray scale values of two images were small (4.47 vs. 4.38 out of 100 squares) and not significantly different from one another,
t(575) = 0.95,
p = 0.34. There was no significant kurtosis difference between the paired images with larger and smaller variability,
t(575) = 0.93,
p = 0.35. There was no skewness difference between the images with larger and smaller variability,
t(575) = 0.03,
p = 0.98. The skewness was small (−0.0003 vs. −0.0008) and not significantly different from 0,
t(575) = −0.04, −0.07,
p = 0.97, 0.94. Regression analyses with a number of extreme values, skewness difference, and kurtosis difference as independent factors revealed that extreme values did not contribute to the accuracy,
F(1, 574) = 0.02, 1.13, 0.02,
p = 0.90, 0.29, 0.88.