Form perception is known to be predominantly processed in ventral stream areas, such as V4 (Gallant, Shoup, & Mazer,
2000; Ostwald, Lam, Li, & Kourtzi,
2008; Wilkinson et al.,
2000), and motion perception is dominated by dorsal stream areas, such as middle temporal (MT)/V5 and medial superior temporal (Braddick et al.,
2001; Harvey, Braddick, & Cowey,
2010; Rees, Friston, & Koch,
2000). This functional segregation allows for differences in the development and potential vulnerabilities of the two pathways to be explored. As a result, global form and motion perception have been studied extensively in both typically developing (Atkinson et al.,
2004; Braddick, Atkinson, & Wattam-Bell,
2003; Golarai,
2009; Gunn et al.,
2002) and atypical populations (Atkinson et al.,
1997; Ellemberg, Lewis, Maurer, Brar, & Brent,
2002; Kogan et al.,
2004; Lewis et al.,
2002; Taylor, Jakobson, Maurer, & Lewis,