Acquiring knowledge about objects is essential for adaptive behavior in everyday environments. Both achromatic and chromatic information are relevant for everyday vision, but their contributions to object processing have traditionally been perceived as different: Luminance is seen as more relevant for shape processing, and color is seen as more relevant for segmenting objects from their backgrounds (Tanaka, Weiskopf, & Williams,
2001). This is reflected in models of object recognition. For example, low-level inputs that drive object processing in the model of Sowden and Schyns (
2006) stem from luminance-driven spatial frequency channels. Further, in Bar's (
2003) model of object recognition, the fast, top-down input essential for constraining the processing in posterior representational areas is driven by rapid projections of low-spatial-frequency luminance information. At the neuronal level, the tuning of luminance-driven spatial frequency channels is affected by lateral inhibition between neurons with spatially overlapping receptive fields, which are tuned to different spatial frequency and orientation bands (Greenlee & Magnussen,
1988; Tolhurst,
1972). Lateral interactions also exist between spatial frequency channels sensitive to different spatial locations: Polat and Sagi (
1993) found that foveal target detection is affected by a narrow inhibitory surround and a further, much larger facilitatory area. In this way, neuronal sensitivity is fine tuned to spatial variations of luminance contrast that define shape across orientation and size. However, there is emerging evidence that color signals can and do contribute to the processing of object form. To a degree, color mechanisms are also able to provide low-level information that sustains object recognition, with spatial frequency (Mullen & Losada,
1999) and orientation (Webster, DeValois, & Switkes,
1990; Wuerger, Morgan, Westland, & Owens,
2000) channels that are not vastly dissimilar to those driven by luminance information. Anatomical and physiological investigations found that a substantial amount of neurons in areas V1 and V2 of the cortex receives inputs from different visual streams, indicating that the segregation of luminance and color signals is not as normative as had been previously thought (Levitt, Yoshioka, & Lund,
1994; Vidyasagar, Kulikowski, Lipnicki, & Dreher,
2002; for models, see Lund, Wu, Hadingham, & Levitt,
1995; Zhaoping,
2014; for comprehensive reviews, see Kulikowski,
2003; Solomon & Lennie,
2007). Benefits brought about by the availability of spatial information from both luminance and color might be expected from considerations of the complexities of our everyday visual environments. Contributions of chromatic signals to form processing might be particularly salient due to their independence from shadows and shading, which are defined through changes in luminance only (for a review, see Shevell & Kingdom,
2008). Indeed, edge extraction from luminance and chromatic spatially superimposed components within a set of natural scene images showed that these signals provided mutually independent information (Hansen & Gegenfurtner,
2009). Jennings and Martinovic (
2014) described facilitatory interactions between L-M chromatic and luminance signals in a task that required discriminating familiar, nameable shapes (objects) from novel, unnameable shapes (nonobjects). Chromatic contrast benefitted discrimination by combining with colocalized luminance contrast in a facilitatory fashion, leading to reduced object–nonobject discrimination thresholds.