Trans-saccadic perception has been studied for decades, yet the literature is divided as to whether saccadic integration takes place. Whereas some studies report little to no integration (Bridgeman et al.,
1994; Irwin et al.,
1990), others demonstrate better performance in the presence of peripheral information (Henderson & Anes,
1994; McConkie & Rayner,
1975; Pollatsek, Rayner, & Collins,
1984). And although these observations of enhanced performance provide evidence for utilization of peripheral information, it is hard to deduce from these results which visual information is being used.
Recent studies demonstrate that the peripheral view can bias perception of shape (Demeyer, De Graef, Wagemans, & Verfaillie,
2010b; Herwig, Weiß, & Schneider,
2015), color (Wijdenes, Marshall, & Bays,
2015), and spatial frequency (Herwig & Schneider,
2014). Furthermore, some studies suggest that integration is statistically optimal since sensory noise affects integration weights (Vaziri, Diedrichsen, & Shadmehr,
2006; Wijdenes et al.,
2015). Yet, these studies do not quantitatively examine whether the altered weights match the statistically optimal weights. Thus, they do not provide an estimate of how much information is integrated, and how much is discarded. By using models of cue integration, we were able to compare human performance to an ideal observer, placing human performance on a scale from no integration to ideal integration.
It seems surprising that subjects were unaware of orientation perturbations, even though these perturbations did bias their percept of the target. Furthermore, the perturbations were significantly above most subjects' expected discrimination threshold, given their performance in the fovea-only and periphery-only conditions. Whereas it is possible that subjects would be able to report the perturbation if explicitly asked to do so, there is a growing body of evidence demonstrating that even when humans cannot report saccade contingent changes to a scene, the presaccadic information is not entirely lost. In particular, several studies show that changing the appearance of a target (Demeyer, De Graef, Wagemans, & Verfaillie,
2010a; Tas, Moore, & Hollingworth,
2012), or introducing a postsaccadic blank (Deubel, Schneider, & Bridgeman,
1996), can greatly improve subjects' ability to detect saccade-contingent changes.
In cue integration tasks, it has generally been found that separate cues are integrated only when they are not too discrepant (Hedges, Stocker, & Simoncelli,
2011; Knill,
2007; Landy et al.,
1995), but once integration has occurred the observer is no longer aware of the discrepancy. We can adopt a behavioral interpretation of our results: Observers assumed the perturbed pre- and postsaccadic views arose from the same object (Experiments 2 and 3), leading to integration of the two views, whereas in the artificial-saccade case they were assumed to come from distinct objects (Experiment 4), resulting in no integration. This is consistent with previous reports that suggest spatio-temporal integration is contingent on saccades (Cox, Meier, Oertelt, & DiCarlo,
2005; Herwig & Schneider,
2014). In any case, consistency of object identity provides a normative restatement of the problem, but does not offer additional constraints or predictive power; one must still determine the conditions under which the visual system decides that pre- and postsaccadic views arise from the same object.
One of the most intriguing outcomes of the current study is that while humans do integrate orientation information, they do so suboptimally. Humans have been shown to integrate cues optimally under many circumstances (Ernst & Banks,
2002; Landy & Kojima,
2001), so it is not obvious why they would fail to do so in this setting. This is particularly perplexing given the frequency of saccades (several times each second on average). One possibility is that the visual system is only able to partially adapt the integration weights in response to the artificial contrast change that we induced during the saccades. In this case, one would expect a systematic bias of these weights toward their typical values, which would be expected to favor the fovea (see figure S3 of Zaidel, Goin-Kochel, & Angelaki,