One of these open questions is, under what conditions does transsaccadic integration occur and when does it not? While this is certainly a question for future research, there are already studies indicating that transsaccadic integration might depend on some kind of object continuity test. For example, changing the location of a saccade target across the saccade is typically very hard to detect (Bridgeman, Hendry, & Stark,
1975), which is in line with the idea that integration hampers the access to separate pre- and postsaccadic location information. However, change detection can be greatly improved by inserting a temporal postsaccadic blank (Deubel, Schneider, & Bridgeman,
1996), or by changing the polarity of the target across the saccade (Tas, Moore, & Hollingworth,
2012). In addition to benefits in location change detection, a postsaccadic blank as well as a polarity change strongly impairs postsaccadic letter identification (Poth, Herwig, & Schneider,
2015). The latter two findings suggest that, if there are indications for object discontinuity, pre- and postsaccadic information about the object's location can be kept separate resulting in better change detection performance but also in attentional
competition between pre- and postsaccadic information (Schneider,
2013). Importantly, at the same time, indications for object discontinuity might prevent the
integration of pre- and postsaccadic information (for a reduction of transsaccadic integration by postsaccadic blanking, see Demeyer, De Graef, Wagemans, & Verfaillie,
2010). A crucial next step will be to determine in detail how the visual system detects object discontinuity across saccades. Current theoretical ideas addressing this question range from a comparison of position only (e.g., Flombaum, Scholl, & Santos,
2009), or position and surface features (Hollingworth, Richard, & Luck,
2008) to a comparison of the predicted and actual activation in priority map regions coding top-down and bottom-up factors of attentional control (Schneider,