Conference attendees register based on their self-reported career stage. From 2007 onward, this could be one of three options: predoctoral, postdoctoral, or regular. Prior to 2007, predoctoral and postdoctoral attendees were grouped into a single registration category (student/postdoctoral).
In the initial years of the meeting, conference staff, journal representatives and commercial exhibitors were also included in conference rosters, sometimes as a separate registration category (labeled Staff, VSS, or Exhibitor). Because we wanted to limit our analysis to researchers, we excluded from further analysis any attendee who at any point registered under one of these categories.
In some cases, information about the attendee's registration level was not available in the conference rosters. For all years except 2006, there were only a few (if any) such cases. In 2006, however, the information about the registration level was missing for all nonmember attendees (approx. 7% of attendees that year). To make the datasets as complete as possible, we filled the missing registration level information by using the information from the surrounding years (if available). For example, if an attendee was in the regular category in 2004, we assumed that they were also in this category in 2006. If an attendee was a student in both 2004 and 2007, we assumed that they were also a student in 2006. If reliable information from surrounding years was unavailable, the two authors independently judged an attendee's missing registration level based on information publicly available online (personal or professional profiles, lab websites, CVs; following the same general strategy used when searching for gender data). When both authors agreed, this information was used (52 such cases). The attendees for whom information about registration was still missing (24 attendees in year 2006, 4 in 2007) were excluded from further analysis.