A cursory look at the graph (
Figure 6) indicates that, for dynamic stimuli, participants were always clearly able to discriminate between target and distractor actions at all probed locations, as indicated by d′ values higher than 0, whereas for static stimuli, this was true only up to 30° eccentricity. A mixed-effects model with recognition task (first level, second level, valence) and eccentricity (0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°) and motion type (static, dynamic) as fixed factors and a random slope for eccentricity that was fitted in a by-participant fashion shows a significant main effect of recognition task,
F(2, 540) = 350.46,
p < 0.0001. In the first level task (
Md' = 1.66;
SE = 0.06), participants reached significantly higher d′ values than in the second level (
Md' = 0.67;
SE = 0.05) and in the valence task (
Md' = 0.66;
SE = 0.05;
t test: valence vs. first level task,
tpaired = 12.83,
df = 374.84,
p < 0.001; second level vs. first level task,
tpaired = 13.16,
df = 365.22,
p < 0.001; second level vs. valence task,
tpaired = −0.24,
df = 374.48,
p < 0.811). This finding indicates a better recognition performance in the first level task than in the two other recognition tasks. The main effect of eccentricity was significant as well,
F(1, 540) = 100.55,
p < 0.001. The mean d′ averaged over all three tasks and the two conditions is decreasing with eccentricity, starting with a mean d′ of 1.38 (
SE = 0.07) at fixation and ending with a mean d′ of 0.3 (
SE = 0.07) at 60°. We examined the main effect of eccentricity using Dunnett's test. Sensitivity values at all peripheral positions were compared with that at fixation. We found a significant difference between 0° and 45° (
tpaired = −5.55,
p < 0.001) and as well for 0° and 60° (
tpaired = −10.64,
p < 0.001). These results indicate that the decline of recognition performance starts after 30° eccentricity. The significant main effect of motion type,
F(1, 540) = 456.86,
p < 0.001, shows that response accuracy is also sensitive to the experimental condition (static or dynamic), resulting in a mean d′ of 0.62 (
SE = 0.05) for the static condition and a mean d′ of 1.37 (
SE = 0.05) in the dynamic condition. Thus, dynamic target stimuli are better discriminated from distractors than static target stimuli. All higher-order interactions were nonsignificant (all
p values > 0.05), including the two-way interaction between motion type and eccentricity,
F(1, 540) = 0.58,
p = 0.45.