Perceptual learning is generally assumed to be orientation specific (Ahissar & Hochstein,
1993; Ahissar & Hochstein,
1996; Poggio, Fahle, & Edelman,
1992; Sigman & Gilbert,
2000), but not all studies have found orientation specificity of training (McGovern, Webb, & Peirce,
2012; Schoups et al.,
1995; Xiao et al.,
2008; Zhang et al.,
2010). The reverse hierarchy theory of perceptual learning (Ahissar & Hochstein,
2004; Hochstein & Ahissar,
2002) could potentially provide an explanation for these inconsistent findings. According to this theory, learning is a top-down process starting at high-level visual areas that perform global processing. When the task is too difficult or specialized for these high-level areas, more local or precise processing is obtained by using low-level areas. Because global processing seems such an integral component of the task used here, the use of high-level areas might have been sufficient. It also appears that in the current experiment, little would be gained from a training-based change in lower level visual areas: narrowing neural tuning to better represent the orientation of individual patch elements would presumably have only a small effect on behavioral thresholds because of the high degree of external orientation noise in our stimuli. If learning indeed occurred predominantly in higher level areas, then this could explain the transfer of the effect of learning to the untrained orientation because of the broader tuning curves observed for neurons in these high-level areas as compared to early visual areas (David, Hayden, & Gallant,
2006; Desimone & Schein,
1987; Hubel & Wiesel,
1968). This explanation is also in line with the findings of McGovern et al. (
2012), who found that the benefits of training transferred across those tasks requiring a more global processing of the stimulus. In this context, it is also interesting to note that a recent neuroimaging study demonstrated optimized decision templates in higher level, posterior occipitotemporal regions after prolonged training on a shape discrimination task (Kuai, Levi, & Kourtzi,
2013), with no training-based modulation of activity in early visual cortex.