Neural evidence for the incorporation of saccadic corollary discharge into visual analysis has been shown in the form of presaccadic remapping (Duhamel et al.,
1992; Sommer & Wurtz,
2006; Umeno & Goldberg,
1997; Walker, Fitzgibbon, & Goldberg,
1995). The direction of this remapping is a point of some controversy, with some evidence for a bias toward the saccade target (Tolias et al.,
2001; Zirnsak, Steinmetz, Noudoost, Xu, & Moore,
2014; but see DiTomasso, Mayo, & Smith,
2013; Neupane, Guitton, & Pack,
2014; Neupane, Pack, & Guitton,
2013; figure S5 of Sommer & Wurtz,
2006). Neurons that shift their visual sensitivity parallel to the saccade may achieve a presaccadic sample of the region of visual space that will be occupied by the receptive field after the saccade. The classical view is that this “snapshot” of the presaccadic scene provides a prediction of the postsaccadic scene (Higgins & Rayner,
2015; Melcher & Colby,
2008; Wurtz, Joiner, & Berman,
2011). Our present results and data from previous studies suggest, however, that visual continuity operations access more than just discrete snapshots of the world (Cheng, Shettleworth, Huttenlocher, & Rieser,
2007; Griffiths & Tenenbaum,
2006; Niemeier et al.,
2003; Vaziri, Diedrichsen, & Shadmehr,
2006). They must take into account probabilistic information and learned context to fully explain visual perception and behavior as we move our eyes (Pouget, Beck, Ma, & Latham,
2013). The frontal eye fields may contribute to such mechanisms (Crapse & Sommer,
2008; Ostendorf, Kilias, & Ploner,
2012; Ostendorf, Liebermann, & Ploner,
2010) and are a candidate area (perhaps among many) for representing priors, working with them and distributing them to earlier visual areas.