All objects in our environment have shape and material properties. We reliably and quickly recognize these material properties (Sharan, Rosenholtz, & Adelson,
2014) to define the object, to derive the meaning or interactions that can be performed with it. The illumination, object shape, and material properties influence how we perceive an object. We make various kinds of errors perceiving light (Koenderink, van Doorn, & Pont,
2004; Ostrovsky, Cavanagh, & Sinha,
2005; Pont & Koenderink,
2007), shape (Ho, Landy, & Maloney,
2008; Wijntjes, Volcic, Pont, Koenderink, & Kappers,
2009), and materials (Marlow, Kim, & Anderson,
2012; VanGorp, Laurijssen, & Dutré,
2007; Wijntjes & Pont,
2010), especially in situations where very little visual information is available. But even when visual cues are scarce we feel confident in what we perceive (Koenderink,
2001), for instance, for representations of materials in paintings of Vermeer or photographs. Despite the reduction of information in comparison with reality in these cases, we are generally still able to estimate where the light source is, what the shape of an object is, and which material that object has been made of (although these estimates may not be veridical, see Kartashova, Heynderickx, Sekulovski, & Pont,
2014; Kartashova, te Pas, Pont, de Ridder, & Schoemaker,
2015; te Pas & Pont,
2005). Gloss perception is strongly dependent on the illumination, surface shape, and material properties. A minimal requirement for the effect of gloss is the presence of highlights or lowlights (Kim, Marlow, & Anderson,
2012). That only a single local highlight creates the illusion of global gloss can convincingly be observed in graphical user interfaces or cartoons. These highlights come in a variety of shapes but the precise influence of this highlight shape on the appearance of gloss is unknown.