First, the size of the attention field typically varies with experimental parameters, such as spatial uncertainty (Belopolsky, Zwaan, Theeuwes, & Kramer,
2007; Hernández, Costa, & Humphreys,
2010; Herrmann, Montaser-Kouhsari, Carrasco, & Heeger,
2010) and may depend on the specific task and stimulus used in an experiment (Intriligator & Cavanagh,
2001). Each condition in our eccentricity experiment used the same stimulus and participants performed the same task, only the eccentricity at which the stimulus was presented varied. Moreover, stimuli were equally likely to appear at each of the three eccentricities, thus minimizing variation in spatial uncertainty about the stimulus position between conditions. Therefore, we expect little variation in attention field size between our conditions because of variation in spatial uncertainty and stimulus or task characteristics. Second, in our model, the attention field represents a Gaussian-shaped multiplicative amplification of neural responses (Klein et al.,
2014; Reynolds & Heeger,
2009; Womelsdorf et al.,
2008). Within this framework, stronger attentional modulation is predicted when response amplification increases and when this amplification is spread over a narrower range of visual space. Thus, if attention elicits stronger response amplification at higher eccentricities, or if this amplification is spread over a smaller extent of visual space, the attentional modulation may be stronger at higher eccentricities. This could then explain the larger positional bias we measure at higher eccentricities. However, fMRI studies suggest that higher eccentricities are related to
less response amplification in most, but not all, visual areas (Bressler, Fortenbaugh, Robertson, & Silver,
2013) and possibly to an
increased spread of this amplification (Puckett & DeYoe,
2015). Although far from conclusive, within the framework of our model, this suggests a weaker attentional modulation of receptive fields at higher eccentricities, which would lead to a reduced attraction of receptive fields and thus predict a smaller positional bias. In sum, we expect little variation in attention field size between the conditions of our eccentricity experiment due to task and stimulus characteristics. In addition, higher eccentricities may be related to reduced attentional modulation of receptive field position. Therefore, we assume that variation in attention field size cannot account for the increase in positional bias with eccentricity but that increases in receptive field size underlie this result.