The relationship between cone ratio and unique green has not been as well investigated. Recent theoretical work indicates that the degree to which cone ratio influences unique green in the presence of a chromatic normalization process depends on the underlying circuitry (Schmidt, Neitz, & Neitz,
2014). For instance, the small bistratified ganglion cell is often implicated in the perception of blue and yellow (Dacey,
2000). Therefore, the neutral point of those cells should correspond to the sensation of pure green, i.e., a color in the middle-wavelength region of the spectrum that is neither bluish nor yellowish. However, the S – (L+M) signal carried by the small bistratified is constrained by its circuitry to fall between the deutan (∼500 nm) and protan (∼480 nm) spectral neutral points, which fails to capture the known range of unique green values (Schmidt et al.,
2014). This observation suggests that the S versus L+M mechanism of the small bistratified cells cannot directly account for human BY color appearance. Consequently, numerous groups have recognized that blue-yellow color vision can only be explained by opponent circuitry in which M cones act synergistically with S cones to signal blueness (Abramov & Gordon,
1994; De Valois & De Valois,
1993; De Valois, De Valois, Switkes, & Mahon,
1997; Drum,
1989; Hofer, Singer, & Williams,
2005; Mollon,
2003; Mollon & Jordan,
1997; J. Neitz & Neitz,
2008; Stockman & Brainard,
2010; Webster, Miyahara, Malkoc, & Raker,
2000). Building upon these observations, we recently demonstrated that a theoretical BY mechanism, separate from the small bistratified cells, which combines S+M cone signals versus L could capture the known variability in unique green (Schmidt et al.,
2014). Assuming the same environmental normalization process that accounts for the very limited variability in unique yellow (J. Neitz et al.,
2002), this theoretical circuit predicts large changes in unique green with cone ratio.