Here we have investigated the conditions that lead to saccadic omission, or, on the contrary, allow the intrasaccadic smear to be perceived. In past work, the perception of the intrasaccadic smear was evaluated using subjective reports (Matin et al.,
1972; Campbell & Wurtz,
1978). Here we used an objective performance criterion: We punched a gap in the smear by very briefly dimming the stimulus during the saccade. We reasoned that features of the gap such as its location in space would be visible to the extent that the overall smear is itself visible. We therefore evaluated smear visibility indirectly, as the slope of the psychometric curve in localizing the gap.
In a first experiment we validated our technique by comparing a condition in which an LED target was lit only during a saccade, leading to a smear on the retina, to a condition in which the target was additionally lit for several hundred milliseconds before and after the saccade (we will refer to the pre- and postsaccadic target as the “mask”). We found that the slopes of the psychometric curves were significantly decreased by the pre- and postsaccadic mask. Thus we replicated the results on perisaccadic smear masking (Matin et al.,
1972; Campbell & Wurtz,
1978) using our objective technique. Thus, we have shown that smear is much more visible without pre- and postsaccadic masks than when the masks are present. We should point out that the perceived smear differs in its geometry from the smear on the retina: The perceived smear is about half as long as the projection of the retinal smear, typically starting near the end (Hershberger,
1987; Watanabe, Noritake, Maeda, Tachi, & Nishida,
In the second experiment we investigated the origin of saccadic omission by comparing monocular to dichoptic presentation of the smear and masks. If masking is peripheral in origin, then dichoptic masking should be weaker than monocular; if, on the contrary, dichoptic masking is as strong as monocular, then the origin of masking is located at or after the locus of binocular convergence in the cortex. We found that masking was as strong when masks and target were presented to different eyes than when they were presented to the same eye. It interesting to note that Mackay found a dichoptic decrease of sensitivity of intrasaccadic targets with simulated saccades if the intrasaccadic target was presented to one eye and the moving background to the other eye (Mackay,
1970b). We didn't find any evidence in favor of the involvement of peripheral mechanisms to account for intrasaccadic smear masking. Although it is highly probable that low-level, peripheral adaptation also takes place around saccades, a cascade of adaptation reactions takes place at many levels of the visual hierarchy (Dhruv & Carandini,
2014). Our results seem to indicate that central cortical mechanisms play a crucial role in masking the saccadic smear.
In the third experiment we varied spatial proximity between mask and target and found that smear masking was as strong when mask and target were separated by as much as 6° as when they coincided spatially. Studies of visual masking that vary spatial proximity between mask and target often find a decrease in masking with spatial separation (Kolers & Rosner,
1960; Growney et al.,
1977; Breitmeyer & Horman,
1981; Breitmeyer, Rudd, & Dunn,
1981). However, the fall-off in masking strongly depends on stimulus size, eccentricity, and task, and masking can still occur with large spatial separations (Growney et al.,
1977; Hein & Moore,
2010). Note that in our experiment eccentricity of the masked stimulus was 3°. There could nonetheless be an effect of proximity that our paradigm is not sensitive enough to detect, or the fall-off in masking could occur for separations above 6°. Nevertheless, our results still show that even if there were a fall-off with larger separations, it is not crucial to account for our lack of perception of the smear. Low-level characteristics of natural images have wide distributions (Mante, Frazor, Bonin, Geisler, & Carandini,
2005; Frazor & Geisler,
2006) and these characteristics can change drastically from one fixation to the next. Therefore, to achieve masking of the smear, it would make sense to assume that the visual system takes into account characteristics of a large part of the visual scene. Such contextual effects could be subtended by extraclassic receptive fields (Allman, Miezin, & McGuinness,
1985; Seriès, Lorenceau, & Frégnac,
In this study we did not explore stimulus parameters that could have made the smear more or less visible, namely the luminance of the LED or smear itself, and the luminance of the background. Nor did we explore the task parameter of gap size that could globally increase or decrease performance. The fact that we used fixed parameter values, rather than individually computed thresholds, likely accounts for the large individual differences in overall performance found in all three experiments, including the several subjects that had shallow slopes even in the absence of masking.
It is likely that ordinary visual masking during fixation and masking of the saccadic smear share some common mechanisms because of several functional similarities. One similarity concerns the duration of stimuli that can be masked (Breitmeyer & Öğmen,
2006), which is close to the typical durations of saccades (Baloh, Sills, Kumley, & Honrubia,
1975; Carpenter,
1988). Another similarity is that while we are usually unaware of the intrasaccadic image, it can still be processed by the visual system (Cameron, Enns, Franks, & Chua,
2009; Castet et al.,
2002). This is also the case with ordinary masking, as demonstrated by masked priming (e.g., Dehaene & Naccache,
2001). Visual masking refers to a large ensemble of separate phenomena and underlying mechanisms (Breitmeyer & Öğmen,
2006)—which may very well include intrasaccadic smear masking.
We have been assuming that the origin of smear masking is visual. However, others have argued that the suppression of the intrasaccadic percept requires an extraretinal signal arising from the eye movement (Bedell & Yang,
2001; Bedell, Tong, & Aydin,
2010). Although an extraretinal signal may be involved, it should be noted that its presence in the no-mask condition is not sufficient to suppress the smear. What does mask the smear is an additional visual signal, the pre- and postsaccadic masks. In order to test the role of extraretinal efference copy, one has to compare the effect of pre- and postsaccadic masks on smear perception during real saccades and simulated saccades, obtained by moving the target on a saccadic trajectory while the subject fixates. Bedell and Yang (
2001) ran a similar experiment with a subjective task in which subjects reported perceived smear length, and found contributions of both visual masking and efference copy. Thus, saccadic omission under real-world conditions may rely on both types of mechanisms.
Finally, we should point out that our stimuli differ significantly from ones in ecological settings. Perhaps the biggest difference concerns overlap. In the case of our point-light stimuli, the smear and the clear pre- and postsaccadic images touch but do not overlap. In real settings, each time we saccade the entire retina is covered by pre and postsaccadic masks, which also cover the intrasaccadic smear. Whereas our simple point-light stimuli are based on those used by Matin et al. (
1972), Campbell and Wurtz (
1978) discovered similar effects of pre- and postsaccadic masks on smear suppression for complex, large-field stimuli. Although this increases our confidence that our findings will generalize to real-world environments, it would be worthwhile to develop an analogous objective methodology for probing saccadic omission with large-field stimuli. Armed with such a methodology, it would be interesting to study whether the postsaccadic image has to be identical to the presaccadic one for smear masking to occur.