More generally, however, the brain must construct a stable percept of space in a process that takes into account both self-motion and object motion (for review, see Herzog & Öğmen, 2014; Melcher,
2011; Melcher & Morrone,
2015; Öğmen & Herzog,
2010). In the case of self-motion, nonretinotopic effects have been found in studies of perception around the time of eye movements, both before and after the saccade. Single-cell neurophysiology investigations have reported a dramatic change in the spatial selectivity of neurons, called “remapping,” in the parietal cortex (Duhamel, Colby, & Goldberg,
1992), frontal eye fields (Umeno & Goldberg,
1997), and in some areas implicated in visual processing (Nakamura & Colby,
2002). In other words, the receptive fields of many neurons cease to be retinotopic, in the traditional sense, around the time of saccades. Nonretinotopic effects have been reported in studies of human perception including orientation encoding (Cha & Chong,
2014; Melcher,
2007; Zimmermann, Morrone, & Burr,
2013; Zimmermann, Morrone, Fink, & Burr,
2013; Zirnsak, Gerhards, Kiani, Lappe, & Hamker,
2011), with the visual system combining presaccadic and postsaccadic orientation information in a nearly optimal way (Ganmor, Landy, & Simoncelli,
2015; Wolf & Schütz,
2015). More generally, there is a growing number of reports of nonretinotopic effects across saccades that involve matching information based on external spatial location (spatiotopic, object-based, or allocentric coordinates) for features including motion (Fracasso, Caramazza, & Melcher,
2010; Melcher & Fracasso,
2012; Melcher & Morrone,
2003; Ong, Hooshvar, Zhang, & Bisley,
2009), form (Demeyer, De Graef, Verfaillie, & Wagemans,
2011; Demeyer, De Graef, Wagemans, & Verfaillie,
2010; Fracasso et al.,
2010; Gordon, Vollmer, & Frankl,
2008; Melcher,
2005; Van Eccelpoel, Germeys, De Graef, & Verfaillie,
2008), and color (Oostwoud Wijdenes, Marshall, & Bays,
2015; Tas, Moore, & Hollingworth,
2014; Wittenberg, Bremmer, & Wachtler,