However, there is a subtlety to this claim. If we flip L
0, we get L
180. An image containing
only L
0 actually has the same statistics as one containing only L
180 (this is just a consequence of Fourier theory, plus pooling of statistics; see Zhang et al.,
2015). This might suggest that (L
0, L
90) could tile to make an upright T just as easily as (L
180, L
90), since L
0 and L
180 are ambiguous. However, in multi-item displays, coarser scales provide additional information. Neighboring Ls can trigger responses of horizontal and/or vertical filters at a coarser scale, even if the Ls are not perfectly aligned. In an (L
0, L
90) patch, it may be difficult to preserve coarser scale statistics if one flips an L
0 to an L
180 without also flipping the L
90 into an L
270, again making tiling into an upright T unlikely. We have examined a number of mongrels from these two conditions, to confirm these intuitions (see
Figure 4 for examples). We compare search for an upright T among (L
180, L
90) to that among the less-likely-to-tile (L
0, L
90). For brevity, we refer to the former condition as the “classic” search condition, as it should have a similar tiling issue as classic T among Ls. Note that comparison with the truly classic T among Ls would be an unfair comparison, as that condition has both more possible targets and more heterogeneous distractors. Increasing target uncertainty leads to more difficult search, all else being equal. It is also known that when target–distractor discriminability is low, increasing distractor heterogeneity results in decreased search efficiency (Bergen & Julesz,
1983; Duncan & Humphreys,