What then accounts for the increase in saccadic latency for dominant eyes in the examined strabismic amblyopes? Although our findings will not provide a conclusive answer to this question, we would like to propose a possible explanations and routes for further research. In all previous studies on strabismic amblyopia (Ciuffreda et al.,
1978; McKee et al.,
2016; Niechwiej-Szwedo et al.,
2012), the saccadic reaction time was tested with the use of pro-saccades generated during the step task—without temporal delay between the offset of the fixation target and the presentation of the peripheral target. Pro-saccades, the so-called reflexive (or exogenous) saccades, are made in response to a novel peripheral stimulus (Walker, Walker, Husain, & Kennard,
2000) and in contrast to volitional delayed saccades, there is no cognitive judgment involved, such as the response to a GO signal coming from the central retina. Thus, the important difference between the previous studies and the present one is that, in our paradigm, more complex volitional saccadic responses were required and more visual processing received from the central retina was engaged in the saccade initiation process. At the beginning, the saccade towards the peripheral target must be suppressed, which requires good inhibitory control from frontal and prefrontal cortex to withhold the execution of planned eye motor program (Munoz & Everling,
2004). Next, during the preparatory phase, visual fixation must be maintained and the spatial characteristic of a saccade is planned (computed), but the saccade initiation process stays inactivated until the permission “GO” is provided via central retina. In the literature, it has been proved that not only spatial vision deficits (Chatzistefanou et al.,
2005; Kandel et al.,
1980; Levi & Klein,
1985; Simmers, Bex, & Hess,
2003; Varadharajan & Hussaindeen,
2012) but also abnormalities associated with motion perception (Ho et al.,
2005; Simmers, Ledgeway, Hess, & McGraw,
2003), attention (Ho et al.,
2006; Hou et al.,
2016), visual decision-making (Farzin & Norcia,
2011), or visual evoked potentials (De Mendonça et al.,
2013; Shawkat, Kriss, Timms, & Taylor,
1998; Watts, Neveu, Holder, & Sloper,
2002) may be present in both the fellow and the amblyopic eye. Moreover, it was found that both fellow and amblyopic eyes may show (especially in strabismic amblyopia) a variety of oculomotor deficits. Fukai et al. (
1976) reported an abnormal smooth pursuit movement of the fellow eye in strabismic amblyopia. Bedell and Flom (
1985) investigated nine strabismic amblyopes and found that both amblyopic and fellow eyes manifest a high velocity of nasal drifts under monocular viewing conditions. They concluded that a centrally generated nasal drift bias is responsible for anomalous oculomotor behavior of both eyes in strabismic amblyopes (Bedell & Flom,
1985). Moreover, González et al. (
2012) reported a significant decrease in fixation stability in the amblyopic eyes during both binocular and monocular viewing. With respect to the fellow eye, fixation stability depended on viewing condition such that was normal for binocular and monocular fellow eye viewing, but was abnormal behind the occluder (when the viewing eye was amblyopic). Moreover, they found that amblyopic subjects and the controls did not differ in terms of the rate or magnitude of intrusive microsaccades. Recently, Shaikh et al. (
2016) studied fixational eye movements in amblyopic children and found an increase in amplitude with decreased frequency of microsaccades for amblyopic eye viewing. Furthermore, they also reported an increase in variance and velocity of ocular drifts during both dominant and amblyopic eye viewing conditions. On the other hand, Chung et al. (
2015), using the retinal imaging technique (without head stabilization), reported comparable drift velocities in the amblyopic and fellow eyes as well as in the control subjects. In general, the above findings indicate that the loss of binocular visual cues due to monocular impairment of vision, may affect gaze stability in both eyes (Bedell & Flom,
1985; González et al.,
2012; Schneider et al.,
2013), which suggests that fixation stability of each eye is governed by a common neural network (Schneider et al.,
2013). It is worth to mention that previous studies (McKee et al.,
2016; Perdziak et al.,
2014) considered the potential influence of refractory period between microsaccades on the latency of subsequent saccade, but in relation to above findings, it seems that it should not contribute to the saccadic latency increase rather, since the frequency of microsaccades was found to be comparable between amblyopic and control group (González et al.,
2012) or even decreased for amblyopic eye viewing (Shaikh et al.,
2016). Although our eye movements system (Saccadometer) does not allow for effective fixational eye movements record, it is generally accepted that the fixation instability in amblyopic subjects is mainly due to abnormal ocular drift (Bedell & Flom,
1985; Ciuffreda et al.,
1979b; Ciuffreda et al.,
1980; González et al.,
2012) and in the context of the present study, it deserves special attention. Although drifts in nonamblyopic eyes are generally not rapid enough to degrade visual acuity, we suppose that the saccadic latency increase in dominant eyes is related to the increased retinal movement of the fixation target during the preparatory phase, which causes more uncertainty and may delay the cortical decision about saccade initiation. This interpretation is supported by the fact that the interocular difference in visual acuity (acuity deficit) was found to correlate with fixation instability of the fellow eye during binocular and monocular viewing (González et al.,
2012). Note, that in our amblyopic group, up to five subjects manifested severe amblyopia (visual acuity equal or worse than 0.2). In the light of these findings, it is likely that the centrally presented cue for saccade initiation (GO signal) connected with subtle visual and fixational eye movements deficits, contributed to the observed saccadic latency increase in fellow nonamblyopic eyes. Moreover, Di Russo et al. (
2003) showed that visually normal subjects with better fixation stability (professional shooters) tend to have shorter saccadic latency as compared to the controls. In this context, a saccadic latency increase in the dominant eye is not entirely surprising and may represent another subtle deficit in visual system whose proper development was limited by strabismic amblyopia. To date, the relationship between the saccadic latency and fixation stability is not entirely clear and future research should attempt to verify the effects of abnormal fixation pattern on saccades initiation in amblyopic subjects.