Which mechanism tracks objects across the saccade-induced changes of retinal images? The tracking of object locations across saccades may be accomplished by retinotopically organized brain areas (as, e.g., monkeys' lateral intraparietal area, Duhamel, Colby, & Goldberg,
1992; superior colliculus, Walker, Fitzgibbon, & Goldberg,
1995; and frontal eye fields, Umeno & Goldberg,
1997). Shortly before a saccade, neurons in these areas respond to stimuli at the locations where their receptive fields (the retinal regions from which they receive information) will be after the saccade. This has been interpreted as a
predictive remapping of the neurons' receptive fields to these locations (Duhamel et al.,
1992; but see Zirnsak, Steinmetz, Noudoost, Xu, & Moore,
2014). The necessary information about the amplitude and direction of the saccade seems to come from a corollary discharge (efference copy) of the motor signals eliciting the saccade (Sommer & Wurtz,
2006). When the receptive field of a neuron is predictively remapped, the neuron responds to a particular object before the saccade. The following saccade-induced shift of the neuron's receptive field makes the neuron respond to the same object again after the saccade. An additional process comparing the presaccadic and postsaccadic activity of such neurons might then allow one to infer the presence of an object before and after the saccade. Therefore, such a comparison has been hypothesized to underlie the perception of visual stability of object locations across saccades (Cavanaugh, Berman, Joiner, & Wurtz,
2016; Duhamel et al.,
1992; Wurtz et al.,
2011). The comparison may be part of the neuronal implementation of the test for transsaccadic object correspondence, the test that is assumed to govern visual stability (Poth et al.,
2015; Tas et al.,
2012). One problem remains, however. The comparison provides information about whether an object is present at a given location before and after the saccade. It does not provide information about the (surface) features of the object (e.g., Cavanagh, Hunt, Afraz, & Rolfs,
2010). Surface features clearly contribute to visual stability (Tas,
2015; Tas et al.,
2012), which argues that the test for transsaccadic object correspondence cannot be accomplished based on the described comparison alone. A potential solution to this problem is provided by TRAM (Schneider,