Attempts have been made to identify the regions of the brain that respond to object familiarity. However, the stimuli used in such experiments either did not target shape specifically or created images that were readily interpretable as an incongruous pairing of familiar categories, e.g., a bird with a fox's head or a banana joined to a red pepper, as in Zhang, Liu, and Zhang's (
2013) study in which the stimuli combined halves of familiar natural (plant or animal) colored photos. They did not compare performance with the scrambled versions of these stimuli so LOC was not localized. Zhang et al. reported that the left precuneus was more activated by the novel combinations of the objects. A PET study by Kanwisher, Woods, Iacoboni, and Mazziotta (
1997) showed that line drawings of familiar objects as well as novel hand drawn intact objects with some matching of the line characteristics did result in greater activity than their scrambled versions in areas that would overlap with that of the present study, but there was no direct way to compare individual novel and intact images with respect to their part composition. In the present investigation, gray-level rendered images of novel objects were created by spatially rearranging the simple parts (geons) found in familiar objects so they were not readily identifiable as any familiar or combination of familiar object models (
Figure 1). There is strong evidence that LOC represents objects in terms of the object's parts and relations (Hayworth & Biederman,
2006; Hayworth et al.,
2011; Lescroart & Biederman,
2013). Hayworth and Biederman (
2006) used an adaptation design with complementary pairs of contour-deleted line drawings of familiar objects in which a complementary pair could have either half the intact parts of an object (“Parts Deleted,” PD) or all the parts but with every other line and vertex deleted from each part (“Local Feature Deleted,” LFD). In both the PD and the LFD conditions, the complement had the remaining half of the contour so that superimposing members of a complementary pair would produce an image of an intact object without any overlap of contour. All the visual priming, assessed as maintenance of the adaptation of the BOLD response, could be attributed to a representation of an object's parts and none to its local image features (e.g., vertices and contour) or basic- or subordinate-level concepts. That is, no adaptation was evident between complementary pairs with different parts, and completely changing the local features so that not a single vertex or line was present across both members of a complementary LFD pair failed to produce any release from adaptation. These results were completely consistent with the results of a behavioral priming study reported by Biederman and Cooper (
1991) in which participants viewed briefly presented, masked LFD images in two blocks of trials for speeded naming. On the second block, complementary pairs of images yielded the same degree of priming, measured as the reduction in naming reaction times and error rates, as the identical images shown on the first block. The naming of the identical and LFD complements were both named substantially faster and more accurately than same-name, different shaped exemplars, indicating that the priming was visual rather than lexical or conceptual. PD complements, on the other hand, produced no visual priming, in that identification performance of such complements was equivalent to same name, different shaped exemplars, both of which were named more slowly and with higher error rates than the identical images. Given the sensitivity of LOC to simple object parts, retaining the intact object parts but in configurations that were uninterpretable as familiar visual entities would thus appear to be a relevant control for low-level information in assessing whether LOC was sensitive to familiarity.