Knotts and Shams (
2016) took issue with our simulation of the Müller–Lyer illusion. First, they clarified a potential source of confusion by accurately noting that we did in fact model equal illusory effects on both the short and the long lines. We agree that our description was unclear. As our main figure showed, we modeled equal shifts (13% of 6 cm) for both the 5-cm and 7-cm lines. Second, they argued that this way of simulating the illusion is not consistent with the literature. More specially, they claimed that the illusion should be bigger for the longer line than for the shorter line. Before addressing the validity of their claim, we first point out that their simulation does not challenge our main claim that a change in
c could be due to either a perceptual bias or a response-based bias, and that other considerations are necessary to make this determination.
In fact, intentionally or not, the authors further illustrated our main point by using a slightly less extreme case than we did, one in which almost all of the perceptual effect showed up as a change in c (with some of the effect also showing up as a change in d′). Although they only reported the results of their simulation in terms of d′, if they had looked at their own estimated c parameter, they would see that c changed dramatically despite the fact that the criterion was fixed across conditions. Indeed, the change in c in their simulation (presented in their figure 2A, right column) is nearly identical to the change in c in our simulation (presented in their figure 2B, right column). The values of c for the tails-in versus tails-out conditions of their simulation (∼−0.65 and ∼0.65, respectively) differ by approximately 1.30. In contrast, d′ for those two conditions (∼1.5 and ∼2.0, respectively) changed comparatively little (Δd′ ≈ 0.50). Thus, even in their example, the measured parameters, interpreted as they commonly are, falsely suggest a large change in response bias despite the fact that the criterion did not shift at all. That aspect of their simulation (i.e., the large change in measured c despite the underlying criterion remaining constant across conditions) reinforces our main point that a change in the signal-detection parameter, c, can reflect a perceptual effect, not a response bias effect. Thus, the presence or absence of an effect on d′ has no implications for the theoretical interpretation of an effect on c.
Nevertheless, it may still be useful to consider in some detail how a change in d′ should be interpreted in the context of a perceptual bias. In cases for which it is known that there is a perceptual bias and not a response bias, the change in c can and should be interpreted as a perceptual bias. This is true regardless of whether there is also a change in d′ (as shown by the similar effects in c across both simulations). In other words, the presence or absence of a change in d′ has no bearing on the interpretation of the change in c. How, then, in the context of a perceptual shift, should the change in d′ be interpreted? There are two, not mutually exclusive, possibilities: (a) that the perceptual shifts were unequal for the two types of stimuli, and (b) that the manipulation influenced the precision in one or both of the stimuli. If the perceptual shift was larger for one type of stimuli than another, d′ should change. In their simulation, measured d′ changed across conditions, correctly revealing some perceptual effect. The direction of change in d′ reveals the direction of the effect. An increase in d′ suggests a larger perceptual shift for the bigger stimulus (as in their simulation), and a decrease in d′ suggests a larger perceptual shift for the smaller stimulus. A lack of effect on d′ suggests equal perceptual shifts.
According to the second possibility, precision (i.e., the variance of perception across trials) may be affected. If the precision for either or both of the stimuli increases (i.e., reduced variance), d′ or its unequal-variance counterpart, da, should also increase, but if precision decreases, d′ or da should also decrease. One cannot tell by a change in d′ alone whether the perceptual shifts were asymmetric or variance was impacted. However, receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analyses can reveal if there was an asymmetric change in the variances, and thus could be a useful tool.
How important is the difference between our simulation of equal effects and their simulation of unequal effects? The difference has no impact on the interpretation of
c, as agreed by Knotts and Shams (
2016). What, then, is the point of offering their version of the simulation? They argued that their version is grounded in the literature, and thus is a more accurate version. This would be a good reason if it were indeed true. However, we have not found literature supporting the claim that the Müller–Lyer illusion for a 7-cm line would be larger than for a 5-cm line. The article they cite as supporting this claim (Tudusciac & Nieder,
2010) did not even report the magnitude of the illusion across the various length lines, and thus cannot motivate this as a criticism of our simulation. Furthermore, our decision to simulate equal effects was intentional given pilot data (see
Appendix) that showed similar effects for 5- and 7-cm lines and is also consistent with previous literature. For example, Daprati and Gentilucci (
1997) used 5-, 6-, and 7-cm length lines while quantifying the magnitude of the Müller–Lyer illusion when grasping and manually estimating line length. Although they did not report analyses on this issue, their graphs clearly show no systematic increase in the magnitude of the illusion as line length increased. Thus, this criticism of our simulation is not founded in the literature, and our simulation is supported by prior results. So if a key point of Knotts and Shams (
2016) is that we need to be consistent with the literature, our initial simulation already achieved that goal.
To summarize, in our simulation of a purely perceptual effect with no change in underlying criterion, measured d′ did not change but measured c did. Thus, the entirety of the perceptual effect showed up in a change in c. In their simulation of a purely perceptual effect with no change in underlying criterion, measured d′ changed a little and measured c changed a lot. Thus, most of the perceptual effect showed up in a change in c. And that fact reinforces our main point. Perceptual effects—even in the absence of an effect on measured d′—can show up as a change in c, which many researchers would mistakenly interpret as necessarily reflecting a change in response bias. In addition, a significant effect on d′ does not mean that any effect on c can be interpreted as response bias. A perceptual effect can exert an influence on both d′ and in c, as their simulation reveals.