A CF of 0 indicates no crowding. The radial CF was significantly larger than 0 for all participants (all
p values <0.001). The tangential CF was significantly larger than 0 for all participants (all
p values <0.05). We ran a 2 (Gabor-flanker configuration) × 4 (hemifield) × 3 (eccentricity) repeated-measures ANOVA on CF. There was an effect of flanker configuration,
F(1, 4) = 8.73,
p = 0.042: The average CF was 0.15 (
SEM = 0.04) and 0.27 (
SEM = 0.06) for tangential and radial configurations, respectively (see
Figure 3). The eccentricity effect was marginal,
F(2, 8) = 3.49,
p = 0.081, but was in the expected direction: The average CF was 0.16 (
SEM = 0.03), 0.24 (
SEM = 0.05), and 0.24 (
SEM = 0.07) for target eccentricity of 2.1, 2.8, or 3.5 vd, respectively. There was no effect of hemifield,
F(3, 12) = 1.37,
p = 0.298: The average CF was 0.25 (
SEM = 0.06), 0.19 (
SEM = 0.03), 0.21 (
SEM = 0.05), and 0.21 (
SEM = 0.05) for the upper, lower, left, or right hemifield, respectively. There was no difference between the upper and lower hemifields,
t(4) = 1.71,
p = 0.160.